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  • i know that... but i was making a joke about how crazy i am....(and how crazy Amy is)
    lol but seriously the last thing the music world needs is another nut like Amy Lee. I would be that nut.
    I think I kinda of want to add to whole all guy-one girl scene, like Evanescence, Within Temptation and Nightwish...
    yes my friends and i have talked about it. But i can't decide wheather I what it to be all girls, all guys and me or all girls with one guy.
    Nope...i have a car. but my mom and i share it so no way. damn! if you win you get a solo recording contract right? Well if a record an album i don't want to do it solo. I want to add to the whole thing...all guy band, female singer...or do all girl band like Kittie or something like that.
    My mom starts singing randomly and i look at her like wtf? why r u singing? and she's like i can sing if i want to. and i say whatever. my mom doesn't get the kinda music I listen to. she claims she can't understand what Amy Lee is singing.
    I sing all the time. and I am a huge Musical theatre nut. oh man i just looked at the cities for the idol auditions for next season...none near me. all on the west coast...i live on the east coast. damn! anyway if broadway idol exists....lol. I think I'd be better at that. lol
    I can hold back when i sing rock or pop tunes, most of the time but when i sing musical theatre, i can't always hold it back.
    I have all of the released albums of Evanescence....Fallen, Anywhere but home, and The open door.
    I think i have that version....is that one on Fallen?
    like on her first album....lol.....
    I do have that funtion..on my cell phone. well my friend Cat AKA Darkwitch616 usually tells me like it is. she says my voice sounds really good when i sing Nightwish and Within Temptation. she thinks my vibrato is a little to distint to sing Evanescence but i disargee with her....
    don't actually have a recording....:( wish i did.....:(
    I've been told I sound like Charlotte Church (I almost killed that person...i gave him the glare of death). I've also been told I sound a little like Tarja...(the former singer of Nightwish)
    i can sing Nightwish, Evanescence, Within Temptation and Pat Benatar...as well as Mandy Moore, Kelly Clarkson, etc.
    yeah either that...or I'm gonna make a random thread with absooulutely no point!!!!! LOL well anyway im trying to decide what singer i sound the most like, hence what i could get away with singing if on american idol....
    good point...sometimes i wonder what goes on in people's mind before they start a thread like that....lol
    i'm sorry but i would i have loved to see ur face when u found out he meant it....LOL
    well u never know u could become a "Singer" someday.........LOL
    and y is it then u have the piano in the first place LOL:):)
    ur married, have a kid, and in a band--that's so cool
    me i play a wicked guitar but in no band
    that's still awesome really
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