0.)Well,that sucks... Although I kinda heard rumours about that interview,although I didn't know that it was that bad for the half arc of R2 to be scraped and redone...

Well,nothing much can we do,except to continue watching Code Geass R2 as faithful Code Geass fans...
1.)Suzaku... I don't know about him,but I don't like him,that's it.If he becomes the good guy at the end,cool with me.But if he is being an asshole at the end,then let him die.Hope his connection with Geass and C.C. will be explained in upcoming episodes.Also,in Episode 21,which will be next week,says that Suzaku will receive his Lancelot Albion,and he won't be as nice as he is before.This pretty much tells us that he will be getting merciless,unlike Lelouch.
2.)Kallen... Hope she will be together with Lelouch till the end.All I know is that her father is a Brittanian.Since she lives in a big house,so her father must be someone famous,rich and have great power in Brittania.The weird thing is that Kallen never mentioned about her own father.If there is,I forgot which episode is.Haha. (Hope she does more fanservice stuffs for Lelouch.Hehe.)
3.)C.C.... Well,even though she lost her memories and become a scared little girl,that won't change my mind about her.She is still one of the best anime girl,besides Kallen.Although I am kinda sad seeing C.C. being like that... Scared,humble,etc... I have to admit,she is cute when she does that.Haha.How is she able to talk to Marianne is making me confused.Well,maybe she is tortured because she has Geass.For example,one of the flashbacks are set in the medieval times and when the witch hunting are on the rage.Maybe those people from the medieval times considered that Geass is witchcraft or something.Maybe during other flashbacks,she is considered a witch because of her immortality and her power to give Geass.I don't know about this,but I hope she survives till the end too.
4.)Marianne... She has the most biggest mystery of all,which is why she was killed at the first place.Her connection with Anya makes this more complicated.How she is able to talk to C.C. when she herself is dead makes the whole thing more mysterious.How she met C.C. makes me more confused.Whoever killed her,must be someone who had a grudge on her,jealous of her,or etc.Hell,maybe even Charles ordered his own secret army to kill Marianne.
5.)Anya... She has a weird connection with Marianne,and Lelouch too.Flashbacks with her,a picture with Lelouch when he was small,etc.I don't know about this,but perhaps the secret of Marianne being killed is inside her.Who knows,maybe Anya is Marrianne,although that is kinda impossible.But seeing Charles become immortal,maybe that is not impossible.But after seeing that Anya is Geassed,so I doubt my own theory.Maybe Charles used Geass her.Maybe her memories are important and confidential that even Charles used Geass on her.Or maybe Anya is a survivor when unknown force attacked Marianne's palace,and she watched the whole thing happened.:wacko:
6.)Lelouch... He has nothing left,except his Shinkiro,Geass,and Zero suit.Hope he survives the whole thing,and kill Charles in the end.Poor him,lost his army of Black Knights,Nunnaly,and Shirley.And Rolo too.He saved his life,which makes me feel bad on Rolo.Guess he ain't such a bad guy after all,but the fact he killed Shirley makes me think twice,so I remained neutral on Rolo.Lelouch better survive the whole damn thing...^_^
7.)Yes,the Black Knights are idiots.If Schneizel really gives Japan freedom,that makes him a gentleman,but evil.But I highly doubt it.In the preview for the next episode and a short text summary about the next episode,I think that Schneizel wants to overthrow Charles,which is not surprising to me.Schneizel is very evil and cunning.Who knows,maybe the Order of the Black Knights will bow and kneel before Lelouch/Zero pretty soon for apology.
8.)The next episode for R2's title is "Emperor Dethroned".Maybe this pretty much tells us what will happen next...
9.)If 25 or 26 episodes will not conclude everything,an OVA will be nice to explain all of the mysteries.A Code Geass Movie will be nice too.
10.)I hope the existence and nature of Geass will be explained.Also,C.C's real meaning.And C.C.'s true name.
11.)Although the director was forced to alter the whole story,it is still good.But what's good of an original story made anime if the director's original storyline was canceled and altered? Also,the director,Goro Taniguchi,is one of the main people who developed Code Geass,and the other one is Ichiro Okouchi.He must be sad that he was forced to alter his own story...
Either way,this sucks,big time.Guess this shows that Sunrise are pretty desperate to finish R2 fast so that they can show Gundam 00 Season 2 on October.Who knows,Sunrise asked Goro to alter his story maybe because Goro's original story included that Kallen,C.C.,Lelouch and others are supposed to be dead,or maybe vice versa.We will never know for sure.
12.)I am pretty sure you don't want Lelouch,C.C.,and Kalle to die,do you?
13.)Either way,I hope Code Geass R2 will be good as always.