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  1. Story

    What do 105 Dreamrunners look like? Find out.

    This is one of the things i really wanted to do when the game was released, could you make a tutorial on how to do this, good sir? Also can you insert/replace bosses like this into areas? Maybe even place hollow Vergil into Dante's campaign?
  2. Story

    Corrupted Vergil (with classic Yamato!)

    Sorry but I am taking a break from DmC modding, you might want to post to the request section, someone is bound to take the challenge.
  3. Story

    Hey there. His standard look does not have a native alpha layer so modifying it will not yield...

    Hey there. His standard look does not have a native alpha layer so modifying it will not yield any results in game, only his classic look's alpha layer can be customized, a pity really. And about GIMP, I don't know that program very well -at all- so I can't help you with that, sorry.
  4. Story

    Clean Vergil

    Note: There are four Versions of this mod in the .rar: Default: Uses a higher resolution texture for pants not seen in game, also a little brighter blue Clean Vergil Bald: Same texture but with no hair Clean Vergil Alternate: Uses the default pants texture seen on Vergil in the main campaign...
  5. Story

    Who is younger, Vergil or Dante?

    Maybe Vergil is a little taller, I noticed a few centimeter difference too, but I blamed the hair for that. He may be a tad taller but not as much as the cameras pose him to be, or as the ridiculous reveal trailer, where he is a half "head" taller even when lined up beside Dante.
  6. Story

    Who is younger, Vergil or Dante?

    Actually they are completely the same in height if you view them in mission 19, Vergil only seems taller and Dante shorter is because in the cutscenes, camera angle tricks are used, sceneing from below makes a character seem taller/stronger, while from above makes the character shorter/weaker, I...
  7. Story

    vergils downfall steam few bugs?

    I experienced the upper slash one too many times, I may hit the 100th upper slash fail milestone by now, the judgement cut one too but that's not that common, what really bugs me is when I am funning around, walking and viewing Vergil from front, his right limb (may be the wrong word for it)...
  8. Story

    Who is younger, Vergil or Dante?

    What I was thinking too, but it may not the the order that matters, it is the knowledge of the birth order that can impact the perception of one's role in the family. I read a lot of nonsense on the internetz but i like this idea, as NT tried so hard to make Vergil seem weak, being the younger...
  9. Story

    Who is younger, Vergil or Dante?

    Originally Vergil was the "big brother" as Dante mentions jokingly in DMC3 before drawing his guns: "How about a kiss from your little brother?" But in DmC, in the main campaign Vergil was established as being "bigger" again but in Downfall, phantom Dante taunts him by saying "You know you...
  10. Story

    Should i?

    MAKE IT... MAKE IT!!!
  11. Story

    Which Vergil you'd like to see: villain or hero? [SPOILERS]

    I always wanted to see Vergil as an anti-hero, not good not bad, not taking any sides, figure out a new purpose for him other that "I NEAD MORE POVA" as it is getting old, and I never liked this single-minded goal written for him, he is supposed to be smart so doesn't he have enough self...
  12. Story

    Fastest way of killing Imprisoners?

    Enable doppenganker, jump in the air, spam areal flush with JC or TC (bit harder but safer), takes 5-10 secs to kill him this way, less if you don't make any mistakes.
  13. Story

    Casual Dante (aka more everyday life friendly clothes)

    Nope that's not it, glad it's not too obvious. If i tell you you won't be able to unsee it so, I'll keep it a secret until I finally patch it, thanks for the positiveness btw ;)
  14. Story

    Vergil's Downfall Story; So...huh?

    I just figured it was hell, he really died and his soul needed to fight its way out, and him meeting his mother was actually their souls meeting, his doppelganker escaping and the apperiance of the "evil ghosts" of Kat and Dante was because of the twisted nature of hell, after his adventure in...
  15. Story

    Vergil skins and swapping

    I played around with Standard Vergil's skin yesterday, trying to remove all those pesky effects and make him more "normal" though I wanted to clear the game before I dig any deeper, nice to see you are already working on making him available In the main campaign. May I ask how did you get him...