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  • Hey Steve! How's it going bro? I am going to make a signature for my profile. When linking from photobucket I want to know best pixels height and lenght so it fits my posts. Care to give me some specs and info?
    Thanks! What about length? 400 px?
    Sorry for the late response mate! 400px might be a shade too tall - it might trigger the auto-scroll system in signatures... could be wrong though!
    400x200 okay I try that!
    Steve may I ask a small favor? Would you be so kind as to change the Thread "Podcast coming!!!!" to SRS's Tubecast!" please?
    Since the Tubecast is up and running the "its coming" portion is outdated.
    Sure matey! I'll get on top of it right now. Love your work, by the way. Keep it up!
    Sparda's rejected son
    Sparda's rejected son
    Thank you for the name change Steve. :)
    Thanks and I'll continue to try my best to make the Tubecast's fun. :)
    Yo. The member search bar doesn't work - not that it matters, because i'll bet no one uses it, but I've got OCD about it. Fix pl0x?
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    are we talking about the same thing? when you go to members list and then type in the search box on the right...it doesn't offer any results. just refreshes the page.
    also, love how people probably think we're in different buildings when actually you're just over there...lawl
    Honestly, I thought that...>_>
    Lol at dad mode. I love using those phrases too. I am currently in love mode XD. Sup man?
    Got no one currently and Valentines Day is coming with depressing thoughts. Sigh. Done any fun with the site lately?
    Ah, man. Sorry to hear that! Still, there's plenty of fish out there! Met my wife whilst browsing a completely unrelated forum, as it happens. Love strikes when you least expect!
    So true. I am rooting on 14 feb 2014 then ! I'll be a man until then! XD
    Hey Steve. Just wondered if you were into Halo at all? And how are things going for you, the wife and the kids? :)
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    Reactions: Chimera Khaos
    Regarding the family: we're all a bit poorly, sadly! My leg's giving me grief, Sharon's suffering from tendinitis, and my youngest is on antibiotics as he's feeling slightly under the weather. The other two are just moaning for the sake of it! :p

    How's life in the LoD household?
    Oh shoot. Well I was going to enquire, because I'm currently working on a Halo game idea entitled Halo Elite. If you ever want to check it out, it's in the FanFiction Section ;)
    Oh mate, I'm sorry to hear that :( Yeah life isn't too bad. I just had to pay for a train ticket that I had already brought. Because the ticket office never handed it to me, but feel like apparently they 'must have'...
    Hello. So I visited the dmcmods page. Are we able to view the links cause they don't seem to be working :(
    Be sure to add me to the donation family please :)
    Hmm... very strange. It should add you automatically. Methinks there might be a slight bug in the system. No worries, though, your donation has been recorded and it'll display once I've managed to track down which particularly nefarious piece of code it is that's causing the problem!
    Haha. Well then that explains it! Lol. Alright well thanks for checking this out Mr. Steve.
    Hey Steve, do you run the Facebook DmC Mods page?.....
    • Like
    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Chimera Khaos
    Chimera Khaos
    I thought I recognised the use of language when I got a message back...
    That was me that commented in one of the mods btw XD....
    If you need a hand with anything Facebook related, I'm more than welcome to lend one!.....
    That'd be awesome, CG! I honestly have no clue what I'm doing on Facebook half the time. They seem to change the design and interface pretty much every time I start to learn where all the options are! :p
    Chimera Khaos
    Chimera Khaos
    You're welcome, anytime I'm available give me a shout :)
    I feel quilty Steve. I used up my mins on donating to another forum. Next pay I give equal to my age since my birthday is 20. Feb it would be 23+1 Cheers mate ^_^ Nothing wrong about giving a bit now and then. Being generous seems to reward karma at times :)
    • Like
    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Hi mate! That's really awesome of you, thanks! Every penny goes towards ensuring that we're able to keep the websites up and running. I really appreciate all your help, it means a lot!
    No problem mate. I try keep these awesome forums alive with the power of teamwork donation! Haya! Ninja!
    We just need more awesome donators such as yourself and I might actually be able to see a month go by where I'm not losing money! :p

    Donations from the last month paid for about 2% of the total server bill, and that 2% was still very much appreciated!
    Wow Steve, loving the new mod section!....
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Chimera Khaos
    Chimera Khaos
    No, I haven't actually played the new DmC yet let alone been using the mods but I will say that some of them are pretty impressive, especially the Vergil inspired one....
    I'm pretty much in the same boat; still waiting for my copy to arrive.

    That 'Vergil Inspired' mod is one of my favourites!
    Chimera Khaos
    Chimera Khaos
    I think I might have to wait just a tad longer until I get overseas before I can play it....
    I hope people keep making more of these mods, they're really good and I wish I could do them too....
    Hey. Been a member on this forum for a couple of days now and I'm really enjoying it.

    Thanks for creating an awesome forum friend :)
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Hi mate! Apologies for the late response!

    Glad you like it here! How'd you find the place? Just curious!
    Np. Finding it great. Everything is pretty straight forward. Didn't have any problems and the layout is very accessible. :)
    You just lost the chance to get more contributions. Trains gone. JK! But the button don't work atm. Anything happening?
    • Like
    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Hi mate! The button has been misbehaving for the past 24 hours, it's really weird. I'm working on fixing it now. For the time being, though, donations can be made through the 'Donate' link in the navigation bar. ;)

    How's your day been so far, by the way? My head is hurting from staring at this screen all day! :p
    Yeah, I am too much on this screen too. My eyes hate it. I need the nature screen. Sun in the horizon, snow and winter landscape. That screen is the best XD Plus unlimited resolution. ^_^
    Are those your children? Must be awesome. You all look so happy :) The avatar I mean. How you been today?
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    Reactions: LordOfDarkness
    Oh, they might look sweet... don't let them fool you!

    I also have another son (not pictured) who was born about a year after that photo was taken.

    Aside from being waist-deep in kids, life is grand! My eldest son has even allowed me some time to work!

    How are you doing, matey?
    Better than ever bro. Yeah, when children are at the most innocent state like every child on earth are between 0 and 1 years old. So adorable. Then they reach 3-4 and gets stubborn and defiant. Well it must be hard to be parents around that period.
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