I've already written 125 pages of a story called Devil May Cry: Sons Of Sparda. It's basically set before DMC3. The story starts with Toni finding Dante and then Vergil. They then head to a facility, because The Templars are tracking down some demon worshippers. It turns out a demon is working on summoning a Hell Gate. The demon happens to be Arkham. Vergil falls through the ground, and meets Arkham, where he's persuaded to follow power. Dante and Toni travel downwards, to find they're in the Catacombs Of Hell. Underneath these underground tunnels, they continue their journey to find Vergil. Along the way they find a lab with zombie creatures in it. Toni confronts his dad, who is now undead, and has to defeat him. Just before Toni reaches the Gate, he's met with Vergil. He fends him off, awaiting Dante's aid. Dante is still battling in another room. Toni gets stabbed by Yamato, Vergil leaves. Dante revives him, and they go and face the Devil released named Odrilious. And seal the Gate.