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Rebel Dynasty
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  • So as it stands...the Order of Sparda has 42 favourites and 34 alerts. That means you should get at least another 33 readers :3
    Current avatar: DMC4 Dante render by Yanina Johnson of Deviant Art. Not made for me, but used with her permission. :)
    Wow, I found someone else who prefers the original series? I thought there were only 5 of us left :D. Welcome to the forum!
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    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    Ugh, I know that feel, too. I never could finish Catcher in the Rye. Currently, nada. I'm waiting on some books I ordered through Indigo. Code 1 and 2 of the DMC3 novels, and 2 out of 3 of "The Devouring" novels by Simon Holt. The latter I've read before (all three books) so I wanted to add them to my collection. :)
    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    (Lol, I brought up Catcher in the Rye because I only made it twenty some-odd pages in before I threw in the towel. It may be a classic...but it's boring beyond belief. And the main character is such a little sh*t...
    I remember reading that in school and watching the movie. And that thing only got interesting in the end!Oh I am sorely missing my Jane Eyre. I need to get that book again, I'm so in love with it. I'm just building up my library and just getting books to get them and when I find time to read them and they're kinda crappy....I want to have a random book collection of varying types but this "type" is terrible, lol
    Holiday visits are always so exhausting. Yeah, I think I'm done with travelling for the next six months...time to get back into my writing.
    I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday! I'll be away visiting family, but I shall return sometime around the New Year. :)
    Time to get some beyond-procrastinated decorating done. Then it will be a "gaming and snuggling up to 'Bleach'." kind of day.
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    lol i perfer the manga cuz it does go from start to finish no filler i hope they do what they did with full metal alchemist and create a manga accurate tv series for bleach
    Rebel Dynasty
    Rebel Dynasty
    There seem to be a lot of animes returning for that purpose. I know Hellsing Ultimate is suppose to be more like the manga (or so I've heard, anyway) and I believe they're doing the same with Sailor Moon. o_O (Which is good, for a plethora of reasons). Was the anime for Bleach that far off from the manga?
    oh good yes lol it was pretty accurate for a bit and then it completely derailed and went off on its own shpeel lol and yah i hope they do it for d gray man and naruto
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