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Nicodemus Zamoran
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  • Got it. Funny hidden page. Annnnd that's a lot of REs. I'm ready whenever you are.
    So does that sound good? I know you have a lot of stories already, so let me know whenever you want to start working on it.
    Yeah exactly! And there could be a big fight and such. It'll end with Zu'Coni escaping after they wear each other down. Then LOW can say something cool and leave with his friend.
    Ok! :lol: I'm thinking it could center around Zu'Coni's days in the Soulless. They did a lot of weird crap and would kidnap people and torture the heck out of them for info and to just make a point. I was thinking someone important to LOW could have been kidnapped by the Soulless.
    I was just about to ask if you want to do a Random Encounter with me. I already have some ideas. :$
    I never said it was :D I can't read fanfiction. Its just soo....ugh. Call me a hypocrite, but oh well. I write original stuff to. I write whatever I want! :lol:

    Hold up. I've read some of Chloe's DMC fics. The exception to every rule.
    Well as far as writing goes I'm working on my Wishful Thinking story as we speak. I've also got an EPIC XIII-2 story kicking around in my head. I'm working on an outline.
    if i dont move my mouth or get tapped on the cheek it doesnt hurt that much but sometimes one side gets feeling back before the other
    not really just my teeth thats it its gonna suck when the numbness weres off the left side of my touth is still numb and im not moving my mouth so the right doesnt hurt
    hey im back my nieces required alot of my time but im not gonna be on for a few more days i just got my wisdom teeth removed
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