aka958 Jul 7, 2010 Everything is up. ^_^ I've had some fun playing Legend of Zelda and playing DOOM 3 on nightmare mode while checking the forum then and then. :lol: What little do they know? :O
Everything is up. ^_^ I've had some fun playing Legend of Zelda and playing DOOM 3 on nightmare mode while checking the forum then and then. :lol: What little do they know? :O
DreadnoughtDT Jul 7, 2010 That's good to hear. Me? I've been doing pretty bleh lately... I hate driver's ed. :/
aka958 Jul 7, 2010 Is that the answer to both questions or just one of them? x) Hey Marisa! *glomps* :wub:
CodeBreaker_Kiwi Jul 7, 2010 Tavien: hello marisa i was well wondering if i could speak to Shion heheh
aka958 Jul 7, 2010 Do they know what happens? Do they figure out why they are comitting these crimes?
aka958 Jul 6, 2010 What happens later? It sounds really good. ^_^ Does everyone in town but Keiichi know about what happens? :O
What happens later? It sounds really good. ^_^ Does everyone in town but Keiichi know about what happens? :O
aka958 Jul 6, 2010 So that's Rena! She is from that anime series, right? What was it called now again? I don't remember. T_T
So that's Rena! She is from that anime series, right? What was it called now again? I don't remember. T_T