aka958 Jul 7, 2010 You sure? Doesn't looks like you like him. Neither do I, he is kind of dull and boring... He looks like a gigantic misshaped blueberry too. T_T
You sure? Doesn't looks like you like him. Neither do I, he is kind of dull and boring... He looks like a gigantic misshaped blueberry too. T_T
aka958 Jul 7, 2010 So you don't know if it is his past friends? Lulz... What's his name again... Zant, that's it! Have you faced him?
So you don't know if it is his past friends? Lulz... What's his name again... Zant, that's it! Have you faced him?
aka958 Jul 7, 2010 The fun games? Like... the shooting gallery and such? The temples are always funny to go through. I love to solve those puzzles!
The fun games? Like... the shooting gallery and such? The temples are always funny to go through. I love to solve those puzzles!
aka958 Jul 7, 2010 I've never played anymore Zelda games than Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask, and Minish Cap. T_T Is Twilight Princess good? They are not willing to share? :O
I've never played anymore Zelda games than Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask, and Minish Cap. T_T Is Twilight Princess good? They are not willing to share? :O
DreadnoughtDT Jul 7, 2010 It's really REALLY boring. We have to sit and listen to a guy lecture us for two and a half HOURS. ;_;
It's really REALLY boring. We have to sit and listen to a guy lecture us for two and a half HOURS. ;_;