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  • lol, thanks for not telling my supervisor :P

    I'll be on and off a lot these coming 5 hours, so if you're bored or what not, just drop me a line or two ;)
    LOL. Dude, you have to be my new best friend. ;)

    When he's at Lois's book club.

    "Here's another idea. The book could also be (puts the book on his head) A hat!"

    Thanks much. As you do too ;)

    :lol: :lol:

    Or when he has a message in his cheerios.

    Peter - Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
    Brian - Peter, those are Cheerios.
    :lol: :lol: "Don't worry Chris. Sometimes it's good not to fit in. (Flashback to Veitnam dressed in a clown suit) You guys are stupid. They're gonna be looking for army people. " :lol:

    I love it.
    even if you did PM one another non-stop, it's still worth-mentioning that it's matching so well - there are times it just won't happen no matter how hard the co-authors try. :) good job! gotta go now, so take care.
    I saw that! too bad I have to leave soon - gotta get to work today early (8am) or I am toasted; but I did read the Origin of Nero yesterday - great work! You matched with Crimson RK seamlessly. ;) Can't wait for the next one.
    ^_^ just keep those writing nerves of yours tingling - mine are all pretty darn dead. Can't write something long these days.

    well, guess I'll be off drooling in front of my new TV - and play some DMC4 of coz. Catcha later ;)
    AND be a successful one :D waiting to see your book on the Top Seller list
    Good for you! Wait till you're living by yourself and on your own: phone bills, electric and utility bills, gasoline, insurance, grocery... :dry:
    have to work even sunday. boo-hoo. but it's okay - "compensation" is always a pleasing sight. :D Hope you're enjoying your weekend ;)
    Oh I'm doing good fair Knight ;D been keeping out of trouble. ... For the most part.

    So how's life been treating you?
    been busy so far, work from 9am till just now; and now am taking a Go lesson on KGS ^_^ will be on this forum soon (coz now i am gonna be focus on my lesson)
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