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  • You consider this flaming...very wrong my friend.
    If you think this is trolling you don´t have to post it on my wall, you could just ignore me...or you could report me (after this I can see you doing even that).
    I was just giving my opinion.
    Hi LoD, just thought I'd drop by. How's 2011 treating you so far? Hope your fine and dandy! :)
    We're going to try and stick with J's if we can but girl names we like are looking pretty slim. Everything I like, Steve doesn't and vice versa. But if it's a boy, it'll be Joshua. I'll find out in about 6 weeks either way :)

    If your card details have changed then this will affect subscriptions for sure. I don't know or have access to the details of your payment method but I'll still ask Steve to have a look and see what the problem could be.
    Calpol hasn't been quite the same since they took all the sugar out of it though :(

    I'm just a bit under the weather - we're expecting our third and final child in 6 months so my immune system is shot to pieces. Basically, I've been catching everything from a mild cold to Norovirus these last few weeks but it's mainly the tiredness that's eating away at me :lol:

    It's all good though - by the summer this next one will be here and I can get my body back, dose up on vitamin C and stay healthy from then on...well, that's the plan ;)
    Sorry, I'd try talking pleasantries but I'm just not feeling too good at the moment. I was alright this morning. :(
    I'm just going to log off instead.
    Ah, he's full of cold and new teeth so he's being a miserable little wotsit at the moment. But hopefully it'll settle in a few weeks. Meanwhile, CALPOL IS MY SAVIOUR! :lol:

    Glad to hear you're not too bad - it's always better than being bad :lol:
    Hey LoD when you got a free chance could you do me a HUGE favor please? I by mistake posted the updated costume ideas in the characters/mode thread and they don't belong there. When you have a chance could you move the posts about the costumes to the right place please? I know its easier for you to make that change than I can. PLEASE?

    Yeah, get me and my French. Still got it...still got it...

    We're great thanks, how the devil are you? :D
    *biggest best happy squishy hug* ^________________________________________^

    *gives even bigger and happier hug* ^_______________________^
    Thanks LoD for saying happy birthday to me. and YOU'RE BACK!!! r u back? or r u just visitng from to time? were the problems resolved?
    I read in the local news that there is a rumor in Hollywood which says that there is going to be another Matrix movie...a sequel apparently . Keanu Reeves has not signed to be Neo again but there are lots of hopes that he will return... as director it can Mr.McTeigue and Wachowski brothers by his side working on the project too...
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