Look at what you have become now. Worthless to the many. Once known and loved, now just a disease spreading from place to place. You have become evil, a sickening curse. Now just a lonesome and shallow soul, no heart to call your own. Wandering the Earth forever more, hoping to nourish yourself with happiness. Maybe perhaps one day you will eat the fruits in which make you stronger. But you know that your lips are not worthy to taste that happiness. You know you are lost, so you sit for eternity and watch the World slowly burn to the ground. And when the lights go out, and it finally ends, you sigh and have your last words. Those words you last speak more meaningless than anything else. It's over, that is the end for you. No more, no nothing. No sun, no moon, No stars or sky. No night or day. No land to move on, or noises to hear. No blaring lights, flickering on or off. No taste to savour, or things to speak. Darkness, but still not even that. Just nothing, but end.