LordOfDarkness Jan 23, 2009 I'm fine, thanks Nice to know you are well Well thanks man, glad you think so Same to you too man ^^
Hitomi L Jan 22, 2009 hey how are you? wouldnt it be great if they made final fantasy 8 into a movie like 7 did? id be first in que LOL
hey how are you? wouldnt it be great if they made final fantasy 8 into a movie like 7 did? id be first in que LOL
Dark_Victory Jan 22, 2009 Well, I don't mean to be rude, but I must be off. I'm glad I got to talk to you again and I hope to do it again soon. Take care
Well, I don't mean to be rude, but I must be off. I'm glad I got to talk to you again and I hope to do it again soon. Take care
Dark_Victory Jan 22, 2009 I am doing some more research for my Comp class and running through my speech for tomorrow. You?