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  • Awww bleh...my connection is acting up again >.<
    >> Do you mind getting on YM just in case?
    Yes...yes you are my pengWIN xD!

    And you are a PengWIN because you're so awesome that you win at everything, and you're also a penguin. xDDD

    ^.^ I also find it awesome that you would use a guillotine on anyone who trespasses with me XD
    Now onto penguin matters.

    Your last VM to Blue had this in it's sentence:
    "I ish your peng-"
    It could be penguin. <.<

    His sig states that he is the official property of a penguin.

    You once had a penguin as avatar.

    Am I swinging in the dark or did I find something?
    No, but you had a penguin as your avatar in the past. :p
    :ninja: Your saying you read a few? How private would you call them on a scale of 1-10 in your opinion?
    Yea- wait! How much of our VM's did you read? :O

    Your the penguin who owns Blue. :p
    Yeah... Only seven time zones away. xP
    I could walk anywhere in her company. :D

    I knew all along you were the penguin. :ninja:

    They weren't either. But walking for a full hour all alone every single working day is tiring. Especially when you really need someone to talk to. D:
    I know. I'm a nice guy. XD

    School isn't tiring at all, it's the long lonely walks home that is. D:
    Don't make me gain the credit, let it got to Blue. :p

    Arrived from school? I'm usually awfully tired when I've arrived home from school. T_T
    Yeah, I updated the list every now and then until you came. I don't like to disappoint. >_<

    How ya been?
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