Vergil's Waifu Nov 29, 2009 Hi GGC, Just wanna say, i like it that Zebra is in with Vergil. And what said it all was a wink. Brilliant.
Hi GGC, Just wanna say, i like it that Zebra is in with Vergil. And what said it all was a wink. Brilliant.
Trish67 Nov 24, 2009 mine is romance...i'd say I am maybe about an eighth done with the first book...
Trish67 Nov 24, 2009 mine is going to be a series of books like Twlight...although hopefully it's better than Twlight cause Twlight sucked
mine is going to be a series of books like Twlight...although hopefully it's better than Twlight cause Twlight sucked
Trish67 Nov 24, 2009 oh hell...I am the grammar police to everybody but myself....being an english major
Trish67 Nov 24, 2009 that might "hahaha, that's funny babe, you not do for another two weeks."