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  • Everyone has something to hide, some little darkness that they're hididng away, that they don't want the world to see, with light, in turn comes darkness, people don't want to accept it, so they cover it up, pretend like it isn't there.
    I was once told by an old friend, who I've not seen in a long time, that to live a full life, you've got to embrace everything about you, including the bad, the wrong and the darkness.

    Anyway, it was nice talking to you, but unfortunatley, I must be off, I've got to get up in a couple of hours, take care of yourself, talk later.
    I see we're quite alike, hmm, surprising actually, don't tend to find many people around who are like that.

    I get what you mean about the whole happiness thing, for me, it's alright in doses, but say, if loads of people around me are excessively happy for no reason, it just...Urgh, gets on my nerves.
    Honesty is good, they say the truth hurts, but what's the point in lying? If you can't handle a little truth, then you may as well be blind, for what it's worth.
    You have a good point, although in the past, people I've been open and direct with from the very start have either ended up leaving me or hurting me, hence hiding what I am when I get to know people now.

    Good to know, hmm...What can I say about myself eh?
    -Deep breath-
    I'm cynical, irritable, angry, somewhat self-destructive, I have a general hatred towards humanity, bar a few people, IE: My friends, I previously suffered quite heavily from depression, I'm sarcastic to boot, and yet on top of it all, I try to be a generally polite person in public and I've never been particularly good at showing, nor admitting my true feelings.

    That's about it really, well, the worse side of me at least, and what can you tell me about yourself?
    Hmm, I wouldn't quite refer to myself as that, I'm like this when I first get to know people, I have this problem with not showing my real self to people I don't know, don't judge a book by its cover and all that.

    A ride huh? Well, you may be in for one yourself.
    Light guy? Not entirely sure what you're implying by that.

    Angelo Credo, Kyle, call me whatever, if you'd rather not talk, fine by me, like I said, I was just trying to be polite in trying to get to know a new person.
    no idea what i did but if u want to be left alone then i guess i'll leave u alone i have no other choice :kiss: love u
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