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  • M
    noo not at all :lol:

    ooc: Noo not at all :(
    It's awesome ^_^.. dude you have to be happy that we don't talk with each other in the thelefone or somethin' cuz i'm sure if we did. you will kill youself :p
    suure you doo ;)

    ooc: dude... your like always happy?
    OOC: I know. That's why I said reference. You know when you allude to something that has a connection to the current situation. XD

    No. Its simply you're attitude. *to Rain* You're face is priceless*
    At least someone's assumed...
    Uh, guys?
    Don't laugh at mee ^_^

    ooc: your the only damn one that never said that you hope that i dies... what do you hide? a secret plan that kill me someday o_O I'm suuure :lol:
    Tell me about it. I also had this other dream a few weeks ago, of this old spiral staircase. My intrigued mind wanted to go and see what was up there. When I got to the top of the staircase, there was a white door. I opened the door up, and then there was nothing but a white room. But also, a corridor. A pitch-black corridor. And a bloodstained comment on the wall reading "Don't go down here, or you'll die". I turned back, and closed the door behind me.

    Guess I don't have luck with my dreams.
    You can please me you just haven't yet. *looks over at Rain* *chuckles*

    OOC: You should have Rain reference how Dirge and Lightning can't get along. XD
    ... I'm weird... :dry:

    ooc: okay :)
    DT? can i ask you somethin'?
    Tch. *crosses arms in disgust*
    Azel. Next time realize that pleasing Lightning is impossible.
    *raises eyebrow*
    It grossed me out. That is why I remember such a dream. I also had a dream a few weeks ago, of a man who loved animals. He would work with them, and swim with them, and everything like that. Kind of like Steve Irwin did, you may say. Anyway, near the end of the dream, he's swimming alongside a shark. And the shark and him seem peaceful. The next thing that flashes before my eyes is two sharks coming at him. One opens its mouth to snap his head off, and the other at his feet. He lets out this cry I can hear ringing in my ears. This spine chilling cry that freaks me to the core even now. There are like, several sea creatures obliterating him. Scared me to death.
    *glares* Maybe you should have given me time to say something instead of running off like that.
    *hugz angelus and purrs*

    ooc: Sorry :(
    You can share my water. *takes out extra straw*
    I read your dream. Puzzling indeed.

    I dreamt a week ago that I was standing on this platform, and all around it was water. And there was a man, stood in front of me. And I pushed this wheelchair into the water, and it started to sink. So he told me he would go and retrieve it. As his head went under the water, I could see his bones like an X-Ray. And then after about a minute of him not returning, I was going to go in and get him. Suddenly his body emerged from the water, and his face was all burnt like acid had eaten away at it. And his body was taken by the current. Freaky.
    Yeah *hugz DT*
    Ops Wron' dude..
    *glomps Angelus* ^_^

    ooc: kiiilll Miaka... Kill Miakaaa Kill Miiakaaa K-...*cough* Miaaakkaaa.....! i keed, but i try to think about it
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