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  • M
    Yeah ^_^
    *goes to Miaka and Angelus* You want somethin'?

    ooc: *huggieez* Sorry for my weakness ^_^ i maybe will stop it.. whats why everyone i love hates me :\
    Nothin' i was just goin' to ask the same.

    ooc: Thats why your best
    Lol, anyways I have to go...I might be back later. If not you have a good night and see you tomorrow. ^_^
    *hugz Angelus*
    *look at Angelus and Miaka*

    ooc: everyone freakin' hate me and think i'm weird... you do realize that huh?
    I'm gonna go watch TV >.>

    Yeah, the weekends are always fun. Unless I have to go to my brother's house :dry:
    *lays Next to angelus*

    ooc: cx yeah totally once when my mom was thinkin' like she always does i said "D'AAAWW! YOUR SOO CUUUUTEEE X3" and she says "what the heck is wron' with you?" and i answer "I'm your kid X3"
    Well, this is...awkward.

    Super glad that I'm away from economics for two days xD
    You? :3
    Yeah... but it's pretty relaxin' here inside.

    ooc: Yeah but she thinks i'm pretty annoyin' with my "D'awww!!" mode.. When i think everythin' is sooo cute cx
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