Sparda's rejected son Feb 22, 2011 "True" Emerald says "But you'll have to prove yourself to him soon remember." Sapphire says
M Mishka Feb 22, 2011 D'aww i didn't mean like that... I mean.. Look at her.. Shes ours... isn't it... so adorable?
Richtofen Feb 22, 2011 Nice. ^_^ I've been mulling over ideas when I was gone for chapter 3 of my story. XD
Sparda's rejected son Feb 22, 2011 "Sorry but no fighting for him today." Sapphire tells you (SS) "He needs a time out!" Emerald commonts.
"Sorry but no fighting for him today." Sapphire tells you (SS) "He needs a time out!" Emerald commonts.
Sparda's rejected son Feb 22, 2011 *Emerald and Sapphire fly in front of me* "___ NO FIGHTING!" They both yelled at me. *Reverts to human form* ".....ok.."
*Emerald and Sapphire fly in front of me* "___ NO FIGHTING!" They both yelled at me. *Reverts to human form* ".....ok.."