The crazy demon Nov 27, 2010 Now....who doesnt likes to use their little minions to destroy every single human of the face of earth
Now....who doesnt likes to use their little minions to destroy every single human of the face of earth
The crazy demon Nov 27, 2010 To add the fact that the first time you attack spree and you kill them all each time you return there is less people on town that before >_>
To add the fact that the first time you attack spree and you kill them all each time you return there is less people on town that before >_>
Richtofen Nov 27, 2010 Kick him to the curb or give him some money to go eat at an all you can eat buffet somewhere. XD
Richtofen Nov 27, 2010 Why would I want to take Naga with me? I think he might just oogle at Serrith and I while we are doing our own thing. XD
Why would I want to take Naga with me? I think he might just oogle at Serrith and I while we are doing our own thing. XD
Marisa Nov 27, 2010 *Growls* You think. *A strange glaunet appears on her arm* This is one of my most favorite creations.
*Growls* You think. *A strange glaunet appears on her arm* This is one of my most favorite creations.
Richtofen Nov 27, 2010 Yay, now Serrith is here. ^_^ You're not going to miss her too much, are ya SS?
The crazy demon Nov 27, 2010 Might be getting new games soon . Still i have liked this time without new games, i got a four good games . really good games XD Still i dont know how the hell to get 100% evil in Overlord :/
Might be getting new games soon . Still i have liked this time without new games, i got a four good games . really good games XD Still i dont know how the hell to get 100% evil in Overlord :/