M Mishka Nov 28, 2010 *tears falls down* No!... I Idon't.. I don't... i don't want some other.. May i leave? YES!
M Mishka Nov 28, 2010 A-ang... Angelus? I was just gonna call you *Glomp angelus* I'm sorry! for all i have done... *jealous* ooc: alright ^_^
A-ang... Angelus? I was just gonna call you *Glomp angelus* I'm sorry! for all i have done... *jealous* ooc: alright ^_^
M Mishka Nov 28, 2010 *knockin' at the door* *opens* hello? Hi girly! can i borrow a ce-.. *Look at Angelus*
ReaperHunter Nov 28, 2010 Talberus (Gladiator guy) im not sure if you've seen his bio yet but check out my charecter thread if you havent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnGEQHKgrBI
Talberus (Gladiator guy) im not sure if you've seen his bio yet but check out my charecter thread if you havent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnGEQHKgrBI