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  • M
    What about Qutie?!
    *look up* Q is home?! *runs to the window and look out*
    There's no real dungeons out there yet. I play the Leve's on the solo difficulty and I grind on the areas of my level.

    I hate being level 18, since there are level 10 camps and level 20 camps, but nothing in the middle. It's like: "wanna rape and get little to no exp or do you just want to be raped?".
    Other people?

    Nope, I solo all the way. My character is mainly a Lancer, but I'm starting to get tired of that role. :\

    1on1 the thaumaturge can survive easily but it takes longer time... DX
    *takes a letter*
    "Hi Lance...
    I just wanna inv to dinner...
    I don't know but i can't stop thinking of you i think i need to tell you how much i love you... Your the only one..."
    Then all I have to do is use my area of effect spells on five then heal everytime they hit me. :cool:

    Would take too long time though, I like to bring down their health a little as well. xP

    I feel so godlike with the Thaumaturge. I can kill enemies without even using directly offensive spells. I need only buffs and debuffs and stand there healing myself while they kill themselves.
    *blush* how! *close to slap lance but stops*
    Yeah... miracle worker. <_<

    I can take on 5 enemies at once. First making them all get poison effect and lower attack damage, then I use shock spikes (when enemies attack me they take damage) then I use poisoning barbs or whatever it was called (for 20 seconds, all incoming damage dealt will also be dealt to the creature who damaged me), then I heal myself and get 30 secs regen. Then I use damnation (awesome attack spell that also regenerates MP), lastly I use slow on everyone as soon as poisoning barbs has worn out and then I attack the single target and renews bio on the enemies and heal when neccessary. When my first target is down all other four has about >40% health left.
    I'm NOT like her!
    You know... when you go to her! My ring will be off!
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