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    *gives DT a little pic of q* can you put this next to the teddy?

    ooc: ... wait a min... Yeah i'm kinda inlove with you 2. But that you already know, But this time i wasn't thinking of that.
    *look at DT* whats wrong?

    ooc: DT... Your so freaking cute... Well i yeah... kinda love you that way to... but thats not the point right now! This time i was saying i love you dt your my friend and i wont let anyone hurt you!! i don't say that to everyone maybe 3 ppl..
    its left eye is gone. cuz q eat it..

    ooc: a previous commitment?
    yeah... and it was quties toy 2...

    ooc: That "punk kid" is... This is not just words...
    Is soo much of my heart and i LOVE him! and i'm not shy to say it!!
    That i love him so much but he don't even know it!
    *takes the teddy bear* his name is teady beat... and his 9 years old..

    ooc: yeah sure, you really think i can be that... Look at me... like you look inthe mirror i think you see something important... but i just see "Aka's sister" "that girl" "1 of million"
    *smiles and turns around*

    ooc: you don't understand right...? maybe i was just a bit wrong... No..
    I mean.. Look at you You have beautiful friends a wonderful girlfriend...
    And i'm just a big stupid loser...
    *put the teddy bear in DT's mouth*

    ooc: yeah.. Didn't you just listend to what i said?
    "And your like the only one that doesn't say something mean like that... and it's bothers me that you have to be so freaking nice"
    yeah... oh...

    ooc: but... you already do ;w;
    naah.. not at all.. just a bit tierd..

    ooc: It's like everyone hates you and go closer to kill you but you don't back away... cuz you know it's one person there thats really understand you...but... that person never helped me... I thought it was my brother... but... i was wrong... it's not even my mom... now i think who he is... i just hope.... wait... You do?
    *closes eyes slowly*

    ooc: Do you under stand why i always say i love YOU my friend, i wanna meet YOU and i wanna help YOU and when i say you then i mean you no one other... They don't understand me... And why can't i help you?! I really wanna help you.. I do... But what can i do?
    *smiles at DT*

    ooc: no really... ppl think i'm ƒucking stupid... i don't think they know that it's kinda hurts... i mean also my bf calls me stupid and stuff.. And your like the only one that doesn't say something mean like that... and it's bothers me that you have to be so freaking nice and ppl like you say are mean to you and stuff.. i don't understand why the nice good ppl gets the ****... And i can't do anything...
    naah it's okay.

    ooc: really? :o
    Wow u'r so nice some in my class says that i'm a fail robot that is broken cuz i'm so dumb :3
    it's okay :3

    ooc: i'm a chicken? :o
    D: <'3

    ooc: so i'm just 1 rank over a cow?... I'm a pig?
    *look at DT tierd* i guess i never got my food?

    ooc: Yeah sure!
    I soo gonna kill my self after showing YOU that ¬.¬ <3
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