Don't bother use Reflect, cause he will use Dispel. Use a party of Tidus, Yuna, and Auron. If he uses the attack that can cause Zombie, use a Holy Water. Zombie Ward armours doesn't really help in nullifying Zombie status, so instead use Holy Water to cure Zombie status. Here are the preparations you need:
1. Tidus must learn Hastega.
2. Yuna must learn Curaga, Dispel and Life if possible.
3. Everyone must have HIGH HP, more than 3000.
4. If possible, make sure everyone has their Overdrives full.
5. Tidus and Auron must have Piercing weapons to deal full damage to Seymour Flux.
6. Have a full stock of Holy Water.
I didn't even use any armour that has Zombie Ward, yet i still able to manage fighting it.