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  • Yep. Me and <not mentioning> made up for earlier. I just wanted to tell you about the RP plans(Driss). Tommorow(RP time) We will do DG's machine battle, and then the day after tommorow(RP time) we will help God fight the rebelling angels. TCD even found a great image to use for God.
    OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! This is worse than when Dani almost pulled my ear off because I was harassing Victor.
    You deserve this, and you deserved that.
    That seems like it hurts. ._.;
    Well, I say DW, kthx. <.<
    ^ That. >.>
    D: Julie! You're my girlfriend! You can't like that kind of thing!
    Says you.
    Owned, Victor. OWNED!
    I don't think it was lame. I lol'd irl.
    No, don't flatter her. It sucked. Harder than well...I'm gay, so you can guess what I'm going to say next. :3
    Ew. DNW! DX
    So we see. Meaning we noticed, I guess.
    ^ That pretty much.
    Play "ded", Daryl. :3
    Machina needs to go to UrbanDictionary.
    FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Stop that. It hurts. ;_;
    You're welcome. ^ I thought you were "ded".
    I Got Better.
    Ow! You ****ing bitch! I mean...*is ded*
    I don't like OOC!Daryl. And...she does have a nice ass. ._.
    I do. He's more fun than IC!Daryl.
    ^ Trufax are tru.
    Like I said, I wasn't his first choice -_-
    "kicks"? Forgive me, I'm unfamiliar with your terminology
    I can call you an ass, though. :3
    *has been hit* I...I see a bright light...it's calling my name. There's guys. Lots of them... And they're shirtless. It's awesome. Dani and Julie, you'd be so jealous. :)< *hits floor*
    It was a paint ball, Daryl.
    Shh...You're ruining it.
    Well, then. Anyone else want more chips?
    I do!
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