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  • Heyyyyyyyyy :mad:
    The only thing you got from all of that was the sticks i shouldn't have written it :P
    I always do. It's a part of me, judging myself for every mistake I do. Sometimes I do too many, being this critical against myself is only making me learn how to be better in the future.

    I can't always wait for others to tell me what to do, I need to think for myself.
    ok then every band has it's story.
    In the start i only listened linkin park,the first song i had listened of them is papercut on tv..
    I saw a song of 30 seconds to mars and i liked them and that song i'm listening it right now surprisigly(mispelled)''from yesterday* the song
    Anyway i like stick game,stick animations and when i was seeing the final episode of a stick animation on stick page it was bleeding mascara~atreyu and from then i start listenin' to atreyu.
    I was seeing a trailer of obscoure1,allthough i have finished obscure2 i haven't even played obscure1.The trailer had a song of sum 41 there,still waiting,and from then i started to hear sum 41.
    In the thread what song describes the user above you resamoon said that the song it's not my time~3 doors down and guess what i liked it.
    That's it.Those songs as you might got it are the first ones of every band and my favorites of every band.
    I don't know much about Final Fantasy... I can't even kill off that red version of Puff the magic dragon in FFIII because I lack the knowledge how...
    Why not punk rock is gooooooood have you ever heard sm 41 they have some punk rock songs they are awesome!!!
    And if they were i still would not have listened tham as i said i listen only the bands i told you.
    I have never heard of it before.I listen ONLY the bands atreyu,linkin park,sum 41,3 doors down,30 seconds to mars and i have their discoghraphys
    I do like photos of people... but that guy... *shudders*

    I've been thinking of uploading a photo of me, so you all can see what's behing the moogle.
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