*inhales and exhales*Oh boy,this is gonna be hard.Well the story begins with a young wizard named Asylum who is wounded but finds a powerful being named Keneka.(Anyone can obviously tell who this character belongs to

)Keneka took Asylum to a village which had a hospital that could treat Asylum's wounds.On the way,they meet a girl named Azuka(Marisa's character)who leads Asylum to a hospital.In the Hospital,Asylum meets 3 swordsmen named Nero,Sora and Cloud.They later assist Asylum against a young warlock named Kayne(Asylum's childhood friend that has gone bad).Once they defeat Kayne,he retreats and the team pursuits Kayne to the land of dragons.During the pursuit;Asylum,Sora,Keneka and Nero face an evil keyblade bearer named Vanitas.Cloud and Azuka travel to The Land of Dragons during the others fight Vanitas.When Vanitas was defeated,he was turned into a Keyblade by one of Asylum's spells.And right now;Asylum,Keneka,Nero and Sora try to reunite with Azuka and Cloud.Thats about it.