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  • Don't you have any plus or minuses?

    We only have plus or minuses in our grades to say where we are going with our final results with a certain essay or test. But in the end there is no such thing as MVG- or G+, only one of the four, which is, far too shallow still.
    Did you ever read that Silent Hill thing I gave ya or no? If not, I don't mind ^.^
    Just curious of what you may have thought of it.
    I'd say, hell yeah it is. I'm happy with everything, except our grade system.

    We can get four different grades. Which are:

    They all stand for

    Icke Godkänt = Not approved
    Godkänt = approved
    Väl Godkänt = Well approved
    Mycket väl godkänt = Very well approved

    That is the best translation I could get, so you know.
    Anyways, to have four different grades and one counts for you failing is far too shallow for them to find your true skills in a subject in my opinion.
    You count preschool? Then we get ten years, it's not optional either.

    After our ten years of elementary school which divide into this:
    Preschool (1 year)
    Low school (2 years)
    Middle school (3 years)
    High school (4 years)
    But that is exceptionally for the school I was in, otherwise it is three years for all from low- to high school. After that we search for a gymnasium with a pretty funny and waiting process with our grades to see where we can come in. I'll get my final answer the second of july.
    We choose through alot of different gymnasiums, to further study deeper into an category of our liking. I'm going for an computer and IT education line.

    Did the germans invent that school system?
    We have nine grades of our elementary school. Then we have three of high school/gymnasium that is completely optional (but heavily recommended if you don't want to become something as low as a janitor as it's highest), then for those who really think they can become big hot shots they go to an university were we'll study for ??? years. University = awesomesauce.

    I'm totally going for University educatement. I'm gonna be a big hot shot. :P
    I know. For my sorrow is my strength.

    To be honest, sorrow is wot drives me. It always had, it always will.
    Check my sig. What do you think I'm trying to do?

    But somehow I can't stop looking back...
    Your not the only one pal. The times we had together... it was wonderful.

    Now I'm all alone. *cries*
    I can visit them, but never in the same way. Not all together.

    When we'll start gymnasium this autumm we'll slowly seperate. One of my friends will move half the country away to get into the best possible gymnasium (she's a top student, litteraly). One is going to go to a gymnasium in the edge of our city, another one is going to a gymnasium in a city that is about two hours of car travelling to get to, two are getting into a gymnasium close to where mine is, one is getting in another gymnasium a tad bit further away, and one is getting to the gymnasium I'm starting in.

    Our school ending ripped out our friendly roots...
    I can't either. They live an hour of walk away. Hey, that's not that bad!

    But my friends and I are going to have a last celebration, where we meet one last time all together doing something fun and saying goodbye. We will surely meet sometimes in the future, but not in the same way.
    Why don't you do something overly dramatic that no one would expect just to see their reactions and get something to do?

    I'm heavily thinking of doing something like that...
    I feel the need to do something deep under this summer. So I can occupy myself with something exciting...
    You do?
    That's a relief.

    Here's a quick explanations to handle the encounters:
    Random encounter = Boss battles
    Boss battles = Final boss battles
    Final boss battle = Optional super boss battle
    Optional super boss battle = ZOMGFRIGGINHAXXORARGHHH!!!

    That's the schematics of FFIV's battles on the DS...
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