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  • That's it. I've seen the whole episode and read your really long text.

    Maybe I didn't get everything right on from the start because I feel heavily tired...

    I liked both ending actually, in their own ways. The original one because of it's touchy ending, reunion when Yomi thought all was lost. Yours because of the turn of Yoki, he turned good again.

    I didn't have any idea who that old lady was and how in hells name she could've know that they were there or anything about the shadow something. So, your version sounds more logical and correct in my ears. You write really good, and you got one hell of an imagination. It felt as if you got all the personalities and everything believable and correct.
    I'll watch it soon. I got a big schedule of boring as said before, my only hope is that episode and that some of you are online. The time zones tell me a different tale though...
    You haven't seen me high fiving for reals.

    Dood, sorry to break it, but my bed forces me towards it and I got to get some well needed sleep. Cya later!
    High fives are something that could but does not drive me but is awesome anyways!

    *High fives*

    I really suck at high fives...
    No wonder... I still have it rough, but it's easier to handle now. Thanks to all the good stuff that has happened around me. :D
    Yeah kinda. That betrayal brought me misery that lasted for nine months. That happened by the time you joined I think.
    Yeah, it does take THAT long for me... I remember when I pondered about a normal discussion with someone once and I couldn't decide for the life of me. But that was the narrow minded me... Blinded by one false friendship and false hopes.
    Oh well.Its just that I was gonna point out that Miroku's powers and apearance are both similar to Yoshimori Sumimura.
    Not just good thing... great thing, no... absolutely sublimely awesome thing which might have saved myself from making myself look like a fool.
    I still looked like a fool though... -.-

    I would need months of time to think of an answer, or even more... D:
    Lucky me it isn't a real life situation... You have to be quick to answer then. I sat here for half an hour and edited my message to try to get it right...
    Ya. I was a horrible person who forgot to reply to Kenshin. And I'm starting to learn about Marisa and vice versa.
    That... is really hard to explain...

    Check my visitor messages. That's the easiest way.
    Can't decide.

    Crisis Core and FFX got the best story through all of the series. FFXII got great gameplay and lots of sidequests.

    FFVII got a flawless battle system and a good storyline, but it is only fun temporarily, afterwards it gets kinda dull.

    Yeah, the three above, that's my answer.
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