aka958 Jul 10, 2010 Then they watchers could add whatever music they deem fit. Smart move, you can't displease anyone that way. XD
Then they watchers could add whatever music they deem fit. Smart move, you can't displease anyone that way. XD
aka958 Jul 10, 2010 I'm just saying the parts for making an epic boss, I'm not telling you to use a certain song like you are saying I am suggesting. <.<
I'm just saying the parts for making an epic boss, I'm not telling you to use a certain song like you are saying I am suggesting. <.<
aka958 Jul 10, 2010 "They are overused" <.< Epic soundtracks can't be overused... I never said that you were to use those soundtracks. Try to get somethins as epic as them.
"They are overused" <.< Epic soundtracks can't be overused... I never said that you were to use those soundtracks. Try to get somethins as epic as them.
aka958 Jul 10, 2010 They were good, on yellow dream that is. But they are nothing in comparison to the epicness of Flandre Scarlet theme or Utsuho's theme.
They were good, on yellow dream that is. But they are nothing in comparison to the epicness of Flandre Scarlet theme or Utsuho's theme.
aka958 Jul 10, 2010 But Yellow Dream doesn't have the epic soundtrack of either Flandre or Utsuho! T_T
aka958 Jul 10, 2010 An epic boss would be something of this caliber: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DibmP4x1enA That thing really makes you sh*t you pants! O_o Or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWMdSBftaFM&feature=related Just a two of many... Think your can live up to those?
An epic boss would be something of this caliber: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DibmP4x1enA That thing really makes you sh*t you pants! O_o Or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWMdSBftaFM&feature=related Just a two of many... Think your can live up to those?