I know your not trying to make me feel bad. But I've hid far too long to keep on. I'm free from my own shuckles of the past, why would I repeat the mistake and lock myself up again?
Honestly? Yes, you are stupid, you are ignorant. I was too, I didn't see fact in it's face and told myself the truth, because I was f*cking stupid! Knowledge in things like how to solve a soduko or play chess are trivial and doesn't mean anything. Real knowledge is far deeper and harder to learn.
But why are you stupid and ignorant? My conclusion of what I've seen around you is... laziness. You didn't want to change because it would require effort. You had it good in your ways so why change it, right? But it isn't all good.
I trust that you will stay strong to that promise. Prove me I'm wrong and don't forget your promise.