aka958 Jul 13, 2010 I think I should stop talking about this disgusting topic... I saw the whole first season of Red vs Blue. ^_^
I think I should stop talking about this disgusting topic... I saw the whole first season of Red vs Blue. ^_^
aka958 Jul 13, 2010 I know. ^_^ Potato masher's has always been dangerous beasts, but combined with Cornballs and your dead when you see them. >_<
I know. ^_^ Potato masher's has always been dangerous beasts, but combined with Cornballs and your dead when you see them. >_<
aka958 Jul 13, 2010 No it was just my random randomness kicking in. Loved your reaction! Priceless! ^_^
M Mishka Jul 13, 2010 Look it good ^_^ *eat a cookie* you see i'm fi... OMG! *runnin' around like a freak* T-T Don't ever eat it
Look it good ^_^ *eat a cookie* you see i'm fi... OMG! *runnin' around like a freak* T-T Don't ever eat it
aka958 Jul 13, 2010 I'm much better than that when it comes to watching others conversations. <.< >.> Now I've read it all. Fun stuff is over. Awesome smexy reactions and luv all the way! XD
I'm much better than that when it comes to watching others conversations. <.< >.> Now I've read it all. Fun stuff is over. Awesome smexy reactions and luv all the way! XD
aka958 Jul 13, 2010 "There's only one female member that I know of whose name starts with T. TCD knows who I'm talking about... " Nice approach! XD
"There's only one female member that I know of whose name starts with T. TCD knows who I'm talking about... " Nice approach! XD