^.^ If I said yes, that would be rude. But hey >.<...when you hear Laura's voice, you'll probably think the same thing I think about Izzy's voice x3...it's how us men are. xD
Yeah. I wish I could've heard it more, but I'm happy with the fact that I got to hear it at all. Seriously, her voice is softer than any other girls voice that I've ever heard.
Really sorry about the lack of communication lately, but life seems to have taken a turn for the worse. I'm still on MSN every now and then, I just hope I'm not annoying you by hardly being around.
Once we fix the modem I'll be around much more often.
Until then, sorry
Okay i go and tell Zavanna, Zavanna spit her out
*sighs and spits out Q*
Well, I guess that's alright xD
I do like fighting their version of angels though. The angels look awesome. Speaking of angels! I heard one's voice. I swear it x3
Oh... well, I got some more news. The Tales of Jak the Reaper will become a reality, and we shall be doing some brainstorming for the Adventures of Zeron for my friend. Sound fun?
Meh...that doesn't appeal to me xD
I'm sure you understand why ;]
As a videogame, it's great. I never really thought of it as fighting God though...that kind of turns me away xD
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