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  • It's still bad since you can just drag your mouse over all of the screen units. <.<
    I've played RTS games. That button is worthless, why? Since you need total control on your units, they aren't supposed to be massed up all the time.

    You need a little group of units at every base to stall invaders while your army mobilises to save your precious base.
    You need units to act as scouts over the map so you know when your opponent expands so you can strike immediatly.
    If you use the select all button all those units will follow. The only use it has is if you've forgotten where your units are, and then you will destroy all your scouting and defensing positions.

    So, do you scout? Do you have a small force of defensive stall units at every base? These things are routinary for all RTS games as they are simple almost required strategies.

    You said your bro is godlike at it because he expands so quick and has multiple bases, masses his army and kills the opponent by being totally dominant. What if during every attempt he tried to make a new base the opponent attacked it?
    Sure I'd like to see it :]

    By the way, sorry for the very late reply. I was talking to Karen ^^
    yeah, but how can someone just do somethin' like that?

    You do know that if you used strategy, like attacking from multiple sides, flanking your enemy, and stuff like that is not possible if you have them all selected?
    You always keep track on your units, no? I mean, you don't forget a single one? That is important.

    I meet a newb so nooby that I almost laughed. He saw that I was teching air units but he kept on training ground units, he never expanded too. He destroyed my first base and did not see I had two other bases on the right side of the map. XD
    I had scouts everywhere, I massed up a new army, I harrassed him and then all I needed to do was to use the attack move button over his base. XD
    Yeah really greatful with that... Thanks DT :)
    i had 1, 2 and 3 but it's was before Zavanna destroyed my house
    yeah thats awesome, really love scary movie :lol:
    A good player should not have any use of the button. Since in the beginning you don't rally your troops to multiple places, you gather them to block the entrance of your base or to instantly rush the enemy base.
    do you guys know my favorit movies is drama horror and romance... don't know why. but it's just awesome
    *takes the popcorn bowl and sits front the TV* Thehihihi ^_^
    do we have some good movie?
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