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  • M
    *take zavanna in*
    i don't know,
    we wanted to go to a store for some drinks... and then Lucky-Day meeted us on the way and wanted to show us somethin' and we went with him but he taked us to trey and his gang...
    you tried it... for bein' soo old it's do-.. :sick: EHU!
    Zu'Coni: I can tell he's glaring at me because you typed it out, thank you.
    Meg: Don't be mean.
    Zu'Coni: *glares*
    Meg: ._.
    Lightning: Who the hell is this idiot?
    Zu'Coni: Excuse me?
    Lightning: Meg, I thought I was your favorite. :(
    Me: Uh, no.
    Lightning: *glares*
    Meg: ._.
    Yeah ^_^ *walks out and in again with a old cookie in my hand*
    hum? *take a bite*
    remember my salty cookies? :lol:
    it was somethin' like "shes the younger" i think
    Thats soo cute :3 i remember Dragus first words :lol:
    *looks out*
    oh... okay then.
    Why don't i ever remember what i did... :unsure:
    *stands by the window* ma...
    Exactly. You're characters are like little kids. You can try to control them all you want, but eventually you have to let them do their own thing. That's how they grow.

    Zu'Coni: I am not a child.
    Meg: Yes you are.
    Zu'Coni: *glares*
    Meg: ._.
    The thing is is that you can't force a character to be a certain way. You have to let them react the way they want to. Ithavol isn't a calm character, so instead of resenting that, build off of it. Expand it. Give him layers and depth. You'll find he becomes a much more interesting character that way than if your struggle to make him a certain way.
    But I can understand that since you said he's a new character, right? That tends to happen because you aren't sure what kind of character you want them to be yet. It took awhile before Zu'Coni was fully developed.
    I've noticed that to. :wacko: He also tends to steal spotlight. <_<
    What have i done now?! i'm not mean to her!
    ... okej i'm cool...
    Cya later *walk out*
    *does the same* byiee
    *look at miaka* ... i'm not really sure.
    maybe shes pregnant, Just kiddin'
    emh... ay zavanna? wanna go out?
    NO WAY DR!
    i gonna walk to everyone and make them bo-..
    "bow to me and i will take over the word" it's old miaka...
    *wakes up*
    Ok I like that. I just hope Akarutei doesn't flip on Zu'Coni again for not knowing what will happen before it does. :lol:
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