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    yeah but... i made it all by myself :(

    ooc: it do?
    MwaaaHAHAHAH! do you want a cookie angelus?^_^

    ooc: no but still, i'm happy to have a friend like you T-T
    Mawhihi! yet :p

    ooc: naaw i know, i'm sorry :lol:
    Hihihi, good cuz i was kiddin' ^_^

    ooc: but you 2 were soo cute couple...
    naaaw i'm sorry was jokin' *hugz*:3
    *look at dt* will i take it like a no? ^_^

    ooc: i don't know what you thinkin' but maybe you want to get rid of me :p exaktly like the time you wanted too gay hug aka :lol:
    someone want a salty cookie later? ^_^

    ooc: why wouldn't you? ;)
    *hugz angelus*

    ooc: aaw you wanna get rid of me that badly :lol:
    it's ok ^_^
    hurray! ^_^

    ooc: oh no you don't get rid of me that easy, i mean i get to chat with my friend, and i do it right now
    Oooo. O: I dunno to much about that series, but I will read anyhow! :p~
    Wow, there's a lot! x.x; And sprites are something I've never done before, so I'm gonna say you're doing way better than me. :] So, they're good enough for me! Haha.
    oh... maybe your right, Some one care to carry me back again :3

    ooc: i got to chat with my friends ^_^
    Hahah!~ Well, if you don't need to, he can always just go back to sleep. :]

    Sure. Why not? :> What are they ooofff? Lemme seee~ haha.
    Okay then ^_^ *walks back*
    are you sure? maybe it is this way?

    ooc: d'aaaw thank you so much *huggiez* :3
    *look back* what?
    is it time to go now?

    ooc: yeah suuuuure i do, :lol: but thanks ^_^
    Aw, mighty nice of you. :3~ I am okay. Getting over some mild problems from yesterday, but I'll live. How about you?
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