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  • M
    You guys wanna get out and play some boll or somethin'? ^_^
    So that's seven people...at four dollars a cup...I'll bring thirty, so I can tip.
    No worries.
    Does anyone else want coffee? I need a total so I can estimate how much money I need.
    D'aww your so nice so i just wanna hug you
    I'm Gabrielle, remember? Sorry we were gone yesterday; Clark and I were filling out a questionnaire. ^_^
    i don't deserve it? D'aww how super cute ^_^ you care about ppl ^_^
    I can get the coffee, Teddy. I'm good with money.
    Oh...okay, Sar. I'll have one.
    Me too.
    And me.
    I wanna try!
    *look at dt close* aww whats the matter with you little guy? ^_^
    Don't mention it.
    Er...I did. I was gonna go hit the coffee shop for a few cups.
    I know i eat like a pig and i'm stupid. plz you guys you don't need do say anythin' about me smart or somethin' ^_^
    Yeah i'm smarter that miaka :lol:

    ooc: naah your rigth ^_^
    DT's a nice guy.
    Well, forgive me if I'm uncomfortable with the fact that Edward's staring at me like I'm a ham dinner and he's starving.
    Don't mind him. He hasn't had his coffee yet.
    it smells so good i was goin' to say.. but miaka eats like a pig
    ^_^yeah i kn-.. wait :huh:

    ooc: wait what did i just say?..
    It's sme-..
    *eat it all up* god that was soo good!

    ooc: yeah and you smells like pretty flowers and every1 you walk pass smiles and if some1 are super mean all the lollipops is gonna get really sticky and the mean ones is gettin' stuck all into it and gonna die by the lollipops
    yeah or i just can make some more.

    ooc: stop bein' so nice :mad: i was kiddin' ^_^ ...
    but your a guy form us... i think.. And maybe your a robot that mad by super happyness lollipops
    *purrs* thank you.

    ooc: yeah thankiiiez ^_^
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