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  • Why don't you just lie down and cool off for a bit? Maybe when your mind isn't so fuzzy we can figure out something ^_^

    That's really odd. What are the odds of a trojan or some other form of malware/spyware?
    *coughs up some blood* I think you're going to need more than just a simple cure...try a cura or something. XD
    oh.. alright then
    ... Well maybe i do
    Dunno. Have anything in mind?

    They seem to be increasing in number >.>
    *Notices the chocolate bar and stops mauling Amber* Yes, I want it!
    Please...give it to her...*blood starts pooling around me*
    Noo but you sound like it T-T
    What a cry baby
    ... :|
    Mhmm...too bad I don't have chocolate, or else she would be out of it in a second.
    *lifts head up* Chocolate? Did I just hear the word chocolate?
    No you did not. :ninja:
    Liar! *starts mauling Amber*
    Ow, stop it! The ninjar neva lies! I swears it! ._.
    Like I never heard that before...*sharpens claws*
    Eep. *face pales*
    *grins evily*
    Noooo! *is being dragged off*
    Right what :(... What did i do now then?
    I know you did :p
    You told me :lol:
    *sigh* Buut DT... You always says sooo :(
    XP HAHAHAH! Poor Shilo...
    *goes and hides in a corner and starts brooding*
    Oh come on, don't be like that. ._.
    ... ._. *sigh*
    Naah i didn't really trick you ^_^
    I just had to :3
    If i where DT... i'll try to kill myself
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