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Brunette Keeper [Jess]
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  • =D


    And if I got kicked in the dick enough, that'd ttly make up for the awesome time I'd have there.

    The video's awesome. It makes up for the wangst in the lyrics.

    :( *hugs Julie tighter*

    I want a dick. Having a dick would be awesome. And it'd be easier to fap, too. And I have big bewbs (I'm almost too big for Bs), and it's not fun. ;_;

    You've heard the song, right? You know what I'm talking about, right? RIGHT!?

    *hugs Julie* ;_;

    Oh, right. Hopefully Satan will give us smexy ones. Actually, I want him to make me a d00d. So I can have sex with the gays there. :P

    Wanna know Daryl's song? It's I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance.
    Oh my God! XD
    **** you, Dani.


    Because it's Hell and Hell is a place for eternal damnation?

    Music gets mine up to typing. But it has to be a song that fits the character who's in the scene I'm writing. Like, when I'm writing for Daryl, I have to listen to wangsty rock songs, Julie's metal, Victor's classical, Roza's rap/hip-hop, and Rena's upbeat pop.
    Wangsty rock songs? You mean the songs you find yourself relating to?
    You wangst a lot. >.>

    Thank you. *takes deep breath* I'm not a fan of heights unless it's on a rollercoaster.

    But he won't want us when we're old and wrinkly and used! D:

    I listen to music all the time when I type. I can't type with silence. It freaks me out. ._.;

    ._. I don't like it up here.

    Are we...doing it now? <.<

    *snickers* Did you know I'm 3 inches taller than he is?
    **** you guys!

    I always have headphones in. Even if I'm not listening to anything. Keeps people from bothering me.

    Not until you let me go, tree! D:

    Slow and painful, or quick and painless? *holds up a gun and knife* >D

    I'm surprised, too. >.<; I've written a make out scene...somewhere. I don't know where I saved it, though. And I've written Julie/Victor pr0nz. Victor's a ****ing wimp when it comes to sex.
    You're a wimp!

    That's why my laptop's on mute.

    Let go! D: *struggles*

    Murder suicide, y/Y?

    Don't laugh. D: I want smex between them. I don't have any yet. </3

    D: Meh hair! There's leaves in it! D:

    Man, I'm so tempted to kill myself just so I can see how wonderful Hell is. *shot*


    Well, maybe if you had an awesome name, like mine, that wouldn't be a problem. But you don't! You mean a wealthy tree! :P

    That, too. But he wouldn't want me. I'm not good enough for a man like that. </3

    Now I need to start it! 8D And look up **** on adoption. >.<

    So my name pretty much mean a warrior judged by God. Jealous of my name that makes sense? :P

    And sushi bars. <3 If there's sushi bars in Hell, I'll so be Satan's lover...if he's not gay. >.<

    Ohyeah. I like that idea, and I wanted to do research on adoption, instead of making Julie pregnant. And jealous Daryl... So much fun to write. <3

    I lol'd. At least my name makes sense. You're just a wealthy tree.

    Hey! I'm going, too. We all know I'm too lustful to make it into a Heaven. I'll remember birth control and condoms. *shotded*

    Should it be Jul/Vic or Dar/Vic? Either way, Victor's gonna be the one getting raped by the stalker.

    It could be worse. You could be a leaf of a tree.

    You're so going to Hell. No matter how hard you beg for forgivness, you're not being forgiven because you're so blashphemous.

    Whilst hous hunting last night, at one of the houses we were SUPPOSED to look at, had a man inside of it. He said they were in escrow(?) and he had a key to get in. Well,. even if you are in escrow, you're not supposed to have the key until you're FINISHED with escrow. And the man was in there without an agent; he also asked if we still wanted to look at the house (we said no for...obvious reasons). And here comes the idea: I'll have a couple be looking for a house that's big enough for a family. They'll accept to look at the house, despite an agent not being there. Nothing happens, at first. But the man starts stalking them and tries to kill them. There's going to be lots of blood. And rape. After I pick which couple-ing it's going to be since I'm too lazy to make any new characters. And there you go. >.>

    OIC. That's nice, I guess. >.<

    OH SHI- You're horrible, Jess. Absolutely horrible.

    + I haz new story idea. 8D
    No. Relationship and Popularity sound nothing alike. I would have forgiven you if it was Relationship as Romance.

    Don't rub it in my face that your last name has a meaning! D<

    I love the name "Elijah." <3
    Popularity Aspiration, Jess. Tsk, tsk. I always made me Romance Aspiration. I'm such a Sims hoar. >D

    Totally. Then I looked up a bunch of surnames and their meanings. I couldn't find mine. </3
    Relationship? Wut. I don't remember that.

    I love baby name sites. I went to one yesterday to find a middle name for Rena. I spent like 3 hours there.
    Are they Family Aspiration Sims? 'Cause I made one of Daryl's traits be "Family Oriented", which is why he wanted them.
    Glass has kids? O_O

    We got into this huge fight when she told me I couldn't go. I broke my mirror kicking something out of my way. ._.;

    Name his brother Caleb the second! 8D *shot* I'm sorry. I'll be srs.
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