aka958 Dec 17, 2008 see i told you that... it is so hard to see anything in the better pictures when your used to the old ones
see i told you that... it is so hard to see anything in the better pictures when your used to the old ones
dante devil Dec 16, 2008 foods cheap my girlfreind pays for the flat rental she just asks for the money and i give it over. (shes cranky- but cute)
foods cheap my girlfreind pays for the flat rental she just asks for the money and i give it over. (shes cranky- but cute)
dante devil Dec 16, 2008 petrols down, but, electricity and gas is up... luckly games and tv's (ect.) are much cheaper!
dante devil Dec 16, 2008 here in england its freezing, if this is global warming its over stated. LOL