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  • i only got a c....i got 2 exams left for it this year still!!
    and dont hang. someone will probably miss u. dont no who mind, but u never now :p
    It's the only way I come online at night, to talk to the one I love. Hence why nobody but her has my attention, when I use my phone :lol: But it died, so I'm gonna get a new one that is a lot better; then I can talk again ^^

    Hmm, better than being upset I suppose >.<
    Wakefield...That's in Yorkshire right? If so, yeah, I reckon you're in the West. :p

    Ah, I'd better push off, got a bus to catch, talk to you later, take care. ^_^
    Southwest of England, Dorset, bit of a dump, but it gets the job done. :lol:

    Glad to hear it. :)
    Yeah I'm pretty good thanks, tired though, hate waking up early for college and I never know how to keep a conversation going! :p

    PS: Don't worry about it, I don't reckon you're a perv, if I did, would I have told you where I live? xD
    Tell me about it, I went mental at the head of the Theatre block. :lol:

    Same here, just making some last minute touches to my coursework and doing some early morning rounds to check if any spambots snuck in while I was asleep before I head out to college. :lol:

    How are ya?
    Any time, it's never really an easy thing to get through.

    Yeah, mainly because of idiots refusing to do the things we'd asked them to do a month in advance in preperation for the show we're putting on, got told if I didn't sort it, I'd get booted, which wasn't very nice. >_<

    Alrighty, was nice talking to you too, take care. ^_^
    Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that, depression's a bugger I must admit, glad to hear you got it sorted out though, feels like I've written the book on depression sometimes, if you find yourself needing someone to talk to privately, I'd be glad to help. :)

    I'm pretty good thanks, things are going well, had some major issues at college lately, threatened with being kicked off my Theatre course once or twice through very little fault of my own, but it's all sorted now, thanks for asking. ^_^
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