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Angelo Credo
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  • I just posted it. It goes, Me, then you, DTT then CD. I hope that clears it up abit. I should've posted it sooner. Sorry 'bout that. ^^;
    Anyway, my times up for tonight. I'm gonna do one last post, then its off to bed.
    So, I'll try to catch ya tomorrow. Night Angelo! :)
    Hey Credo i think its better to add a office of work in the roleplayers inn so we know what oc is in what rp that can let the people know who is roleplaying, what do you think of this feature
    *Bangs head off keybored* ... I knew that... xD
    Yeah, that would suck to waste your whole weekend sleeping. I mean, I take like two hour naps on the weekends, but then I wake up and do what I was doing before... Playing video games, or taking a part my ps2. XD
    WOW! o_O
    You went to bed wasted? Really? Geez, what did you drink? I might need some. XD
    XD. Oh, god, you have no idea. And the sad thing is: I sleep during three classes at school. xD. I always seem to have text books thrown at me. xD
    I liek meh sleep, I guess. XD
    Oooohh! Okay. :p
    But still, I would like to try it at least once. xD
    The lastest Ive ever stayed up too was like 11 and passed out. xD
    Oh lawl! xD
    Lucky you... Id give anything to stay up late.... But since Im going to be 18 and I still live with my parents....I can't do that... xD
    I'm just rping, hanging around listening to music and chatting on msn... Something to do to past the time, until bed time.
    Mum turned off the internet last night... So I take it when I hit "post message" I guess it didn't send. xD
    Anyway, whatcha up too? :p
    Thats good to hear. :)
    It seems my message didn't get you last night... xD Oh, well. At least it's here now.
    Hey Angelo! :)
    I've been great! Been a bit busy with school though... :p
    How about yourself? How have you been? :)
    Oh, yeah, the RP. I totally forgot. Talk about a hart-da-dar-da-lurr moment. :p

    I've had a ghostly experience, (My house is haunted. Damn ouija board. >_<) So I'm a believer. Doesn't take much. Once I coulda sworn I saw a William Birkin first form lookalike walking around my house. Scared me half to death...
    I don't know if you get the Sci-Fi channel where you are, but there's the show called "Destination Truth", and it's hosted by Josh Gates. Basically during this one episode, they went to the irradiated zone of Chernobyl in search of ghosts of the residents who lived there before the meltdown. It was pretty creepy. They caught a lot of EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), which is when you don't hear the voice audibly but a recorder can pick it up. There was one that said "Who are you?" Clear as day. OOOOO WEEEE OOOOOO.
    I've heard that game's really good. I watched a let's play of it on Youtube, and it doesn't seem bad. I even saw a glitch that lets you use a Detector along with what should be a two handed weapon, so the glitch basically gives your character a third arm. Goes well with the title, considering Chernobyl is a Russian nuclear plant that had a meltdown, right?
    I'm pretty good, how are you this fine evening? The reason I'm on later than usual is cuz my spring break ended, so at the earliest I'll be online at around 3:30 until summer break starts.

    I'm also later than I should be because of a funny story... I'll tell you this in an analogy format so that I won't use names.

    You should've seen the traffic on the way back home from school. Even though I wasn't the one driving, I wish I was. I'll summarize it in a story.

    This is Joe A. Guy. He's an average guy and he's driving to work. Then, one small snowflake falls on his car. Joe nearly has a mental breakdown, left becomes right, up becomes down, and before you know it he's driving at five miles an hour with his ass.

    I swear if I see ANYONE going five miles an hour again, I will rip off their car door, throw them out and BEAT THEM WITH ORANGES! *rant over*

    So, how've you been?
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