Recent content by AlastorSword

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  1. AlastorSword

    Finally a DMC game that can rival DMC3... so then

    I don't want to go into spoilers since I didn't put it in the tag but tbh, just being alive isn't reason enough for a sequel imo. I feel this'll likely be the last mainly because I just feel the central conflict is concluded.
  2. AlastorSword

    Finally a DMC game that can rival DMC3... so then

    I remember thinking this game would never happen. That after DmC failed Capcom would decide the franchise wasn't worth it anymore. Glad things took a turn around because this one might be my favorite since DMC3 and that's saying a lot. All this being said I think this might be the last entry in...
  3. AlastorSword

    Whew it's been years...

    Thanks man. Good to be back. I actually forgot my login for a while too lol. Wha seriously?? Crap that sounds like a legendary debate, like the Infamous coke vs pepsi O_o
  4. AlastorSword

    Relatively unpopular opinions about any and everything

    Unpopular opinion time eh? Alright I'll bite. I like ruffling some jimmies every now and again. *FFXII is easily top 5 in the franchise and Vaan is a good character. *The only Star Wars film that I think wasn't so great in recent years is The Last Jedi. However Force Awakens, Rogue One, and...
  5. AlastorSword

    Whew it's been years...

    I never thought I'd find myself back here on this forum. It was so sparse a few years back and truth be told, I was so sure DMC5 was going to at some point, be a blissful dream. And yet here we are... O_o
  6. AlastorSword

    No New Protagonists For DMC5 Please

    Meh I think Vergil's done. Yes he's a fan favorite but come one guys he's long since dead at this point and DMC3 was his game! His inclusion in the DMC4: SD is likely just fan service or a flashback. If they're going to continue the storyline in DMC5, I don't see how they could possibly have...
  7. AlastorSword

    New dmc4 with vergil teased

    I hope they answer some of my issues with 4. I do wonder how in the world DMC3 Vergil will fit into all this though...
  8. AlastorSword

    Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition for Next Gen

    Nelo Angelo or no buy.
  9. AlastorSword

    Pros & Cons: Digital Downloads

    I usually prefer physical copies over going digital but lately I've found merit in both.
  10. AlastorSword

    New user: hey everybody :)

    Hey there! Welcome to our little corner of heaven! Any fan of dmc is a friend of mine so welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy your time. :)
  11. AlastorSword

    Which DLC costumes would you like in DmC 4?

    Wait DmC has had four installments already? Man I have to stop comma-ing every night lol. On a serious note a DMC1 Dante skin would make vomit from my nips out of excitement. Wish that was an option :/
  12. AlastorSword

    DANTE-NESS! @.@

    Thank you for the night terrors >_<
  13. AlastorSword

    "Why didn't you buy it?"

    Rented it and thought It was meh. Damn dat short response doe!
  14. AlastorSword

    What Are You Thinking?

    I've been thinking about how bad I am with money. Right now I'm a bit under the weather and honesty can't taste a thing, but my paycheck came in this Monday and I've been dying to try a Gyro at the place that opened up down the street. The smart thing would have been to wait a few days when I...
  15. AlastorSword

    DANTE-NESS! @.@

    Seriously we had a good thing going on here :(