What do you guys want in Devil may Cry 6

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Sep 30, 2022
I would want them to add new characters but also show Neros progess & Dante and Vergil we could have seprate shares
I'd be into a crossover game. I was fond of Dante's interactions with the other characters in Marvel versus Capcom.

Have him face Jedah Dohma from Darkstalkers or something.

Darkstalkers X DMC is an easy fit. Demon hunters versus demons should write itself.

I'd be into DMC X Bayonetta or DMC x Ninja Gaiden but other Capcom properties feels more practical.

In the second novel he does travel to another timeline. So that's also an angle you could pursue.

I wouldn't want time travel but the multiverse is easier to handle.

I'd be up for DMC X DmC. "Day of Dante" indeed.;)
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I'd like fresh new faces. And Vergil to step up and meet Kyrie for the first time.
The qlipoth probably revealed demons to the world. So there should be all sorts of hunters springing up. I liked the Hunter Guild setup from Pinnacle of Combat so I'd bring that over.

As well as criminals seeking to profit off of the new status quo.

That also allows you to reintroduce groups like Vie Di Marli, Uroborous or the Order.
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Vergil and dante to have a campaign in the demon world and take out all the baddies for good, poasibly with sparda being the last enemy they must face

Nero lady and trish playable in human world campaign, and nico playable with gadgets and weapons as an alternative lady like character

Longer campaign, 25-30 missions maybe instead of 20, even if split up
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I would like to see the humans rising up after the reveal of demons being real. Technological innovations, new weaponry, organisations dedicated to fighting demons, and also new cults rising up. Then in answer to this, I would like to see the demons step up their game in order to counter both the new human power and the twins being stuck in the Underworld. A new demon king rising up and taking the wheels of Hell would be cool, we could even have Mundus make a triomphant return.
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I would like to see the humans rising up after the reveal of demons being real. Technological innovations, new weaponry, organisations dedicated to fighting demons, and also new cults rising up. Then in answer to this, I would like to see the demons step up their game in order to counter both the new human power and the twins being stuck in the Underworld. A new demon king rising up and taking the wheels of Hell would be cool, we could even have Mundus make a triomphant return.

Don't forget a new demon "queen" too!

Mundus could end getting an offspring himself.

Plus Nero to have his own personal rival other than just his dad.
I'm a big fan of the inner power trope (i.e- Nen from Hunter X Hunter, Stands from JOJO's) so I'm cool with that popping up.

I don't mind magic as well but DMC's magic system is random and the anime was poorly handled so I'm hoping it gets a rework.

I don't mind technology becoming a focus. Maybe robotic ai is how humans create defenses against the supernatural? It could be a cool way to do a Megaman reimagining. ;)
I say, they should leave it alone. And start working on how to write engaging stories and characters. Because DMC 2, 4, and 5 are very terrible storywise.
You all ever thought on what would be a good new character idea in being a rival for Nero next game?

Nero's got his dad. But he's gotta have his own to fight against.
@Lain talked about changing the mission structure in other threads. So I'd look at that more. The reboot would've benefited from a more looser structure. Maybe 4 and 5 but those also have pacing and budget issues.

William Blake's life and works are pretty interesting and it would be cool to see them do more with it in the future.

Nero's strongest asset is Fortuna. I wished 4 used it better so I'd return it in a future game.
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I would like to see the humans rising up after the reveal of demons being real. Technological innovations, new weaponry, organisations dedicated to fighting demons, and also new cults rising up.
My only problem with this is that the DMC series has a rather confused sense of what humans are capable of. In DMC5 we have the nameless military soldiers in Redgrave city being utterly trounced by demons but back in 3 we had Lady fending off countless demons by herself despite also merely using firearms. Even within 4 itself you had Dante admitting that humans are inferior physically to demons, but earlier when Nero meets the Order Knight (actually a demon possessing the empty armour) in Fortuna Castle he sees no problem with how a human supposedly made it past all those demons with only a spear and shield and is convinced the knight could handle himself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That aside, I also would like to say that I am saddened with demons being revealed to the world at large during the events of DMC5. I was fine with it in DmC because that is its own continuity but I liked how say in DMC4 Trish mentions a customer having the "password" to indicate that it's a real demon problem. The idea of Dante being a private detective in public who moonlights as a Devil Hunter when the situation arises was more appealing to me.
I'd be into a Lady spinoff. She'd lend herself to a 3rd shooter spinoff. You could lean into the horror vibes of the first game.

I don't mind returning to Mallet Island or Dumary but from Nero's perspective. He's never been to either so it's a way to use him as a POV character.

For Mallet Island, I'd have Nero wake up and unsure of where he is and how he got there. He finds out that he lost a week of his life and throughout the game you get flashes of what happened in that week. It's a way to lean into his initial pitch as a detective but giving him a mystery he can solve unlike 5.

It's a way to do a remake of the first two games without actually doing one.
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I'd like a resimplification of the series. There are too many characters, too much want to have introductory characters and ones for the 'experienced' players. Just Dante, no new playable characters, new combat, simple to use, hard to master, not attached to the old; everyone one starts from scratch. As for the plot, same. New stories with no need to constantly being attached to the old ones, constantly needing for Sparda to be mentioned or being so central, since they really over did it with the last 3 games, really over played it.
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If only nero was given the lady and trish status of support character

Playable in bp, or his own campaign but not as a combined one.

The story started with dante, i want it to go back to him fully, so maybe bring in people who know how to write his story better.
I'm fine with multiple playable characters, I'd just prefer the character select screen at the beginning.

Multiple playable characters works better with Nero. He has a more limited character playstyle so it's more manageable buying resources.

Having the potential rival playable would be cool.
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