Bayonetta 3

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Well this looks interesting. I got a bit mixed feelings about this. I see its Bayonetta and P+ still I am depressed. Why do all new games have to look so realistic and close to reality. Why not paint some more fantasy in it. Just like the two previous games. Besides the terrible 5G ad in there its horrible in many respects. At first I thought it was Ghostwire. The opening looked so similiar. Could almost think it was a short copy paste right there. Maybe a bit of KH4 map as well. Also the monster look a bit like those [elite] armours in dmc4. I know the devs of Bayonetta said they were inspired by dmc series as one of the several sources of inspiration but it lacks originality doesnt it. Well hopefully the final will be better. The only issue left is obviously N only game. Maybe in 10 years time they can port B2,B3 and BX's to other platforms. At least for pc. Steam would be preferred. I can think that will never happen but really N could probably benefit from it as well. I dont know if there are many like me who dont bother buy a N console and just dont care about it anymore. If..IF there are many, would not N earn a lot of money from people like me who gladly buy a pc version. Take my money but port it for pc at least a few years after the N realease. Is that really impossible. I dont doubt there will be good action gameplay and challenge but how far does the rest go. At least Bayonetta still looks hot as ever.
Who cares? I'm never going to use it.
Well, I'll tell you this much, I don't like bullies but I will bully anyone who does.

Finally a release date, boom i am getting this day one

Massive hype
As am I. So much so I went and picked this up since the game has no preorders yet (nor does Valkyrie Elysium, much to my frustration )
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Well, I'll tell you this much, I don't like bullies but I will bully anyone who does.
I take it you're referring to those idiots crying "censorship/self-censorship!"? The same jackasses who will harass anyone, especially women and minorities, for disagreeing with them? Yeah, they could use a million curb stomps to the groin.

And to top it off, Bayo 1 is getting a physical release on the Switch.
Well, I own it on PS3/360/WiiU/PS4 and digitally on PS4/Switch. With this it'll be the game I own the 3rd most copies of followed by DMC1 and RE4 on the top spot.

I take it you're referring to those idiots crying "censorship/self-censorship!"?
Well, yeah. By extension, that's the case.

I've never been shy about my disdain for censorship, that's true, though in this case, if you're playing Bayonetta you know what you're getting into. This is a silly addition. It's not ever real nudity. It's PG-13 convenient coverage nudity. Embarrassing? Ok, sure, but you shouldn't be playing games like this in front of the family, anyway. This is an office or bedroom or gameroom game, not a living room one. Same for Lollipop Chainsaw, DoA, and the lot. Hell, I'd put horror and gory games on that list, while we're at it.

Edit: So, something I didn't notice, to my great shame, is the fact that the original voice actress for Bayo has been replaced:

I saw some tweets from the actress herself on 4chan, chish apparently she had mentioned earlier in the year:

Plenty of theories afoot but if it's simply a matter or replacement I'll be very upset.
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Well, yeah. By extension, that's the case.

I've never been shy about my disdain for censorship, that's true, though in this case, if you're playing Bayonetta you know what you're getting into. This is a silly addition. It's not ever real nudity. It's PG-13 convenient coverage nudity. Embarrassing? Ok, sure, but you shouldn't be playing games like this in front of the family, anyway. This is an office or bedroom or gameroom game, not a living room one. Same for Lollipop Chainsaw, DoA, and the lot. Hell, I'd put horror and gory games on that list, while we're at it.
You have your points, but it ain't worth the energy crying over it. They already made the options, so move on. If an idiot does not know what they're getting in to by the 3rd game, or are insecure wee wees about it, then screw them and ignore them.
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You have your points, but it ain't worth the energy crying over it.
Not exactly crying over it. I made a joke and reiterated my position. If were to pick a fight about anything it’d be Helena Taylor’s replacement on the role. Even more than the censorship, I find that the most disappointing thing thus far on this whole enterprise.
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I've been thinking about this for a bit and I'm kinda settled on it. I don't like Bayonetta's design on this one.

There are usually things I don't like about her games at first glance that I grow to like or understand, like her proportions. At first I thought she looked really odd with her freakishly stretched limbs and 8/9 head height which, now, I can't imagine her any other way. Same with other elements.

This, though, I just couldn't get behind. At first I thought it was because I had an expectation that this one leaked image was the actual design and I had gotten used the idea that this was it so I thought I'd give it time to get used to this one. That was a while back when the first gameplay trailer released and I still feel the same way. The design is too busy. It's got way too much going on. The silhouette is not grabbing me and the hair looks too big. As it is I thought the shawl she had in 2 got in the way of her silhouette but I could get passed it, begrudgingly, but bearable. This, though, is too much.
Bayonetta in the Multiverse of Madness.

I guess Helena Taylor will voice another version of Bayonetta and not the playable one, and Viola invokes Chibi-Usagi level time shenanigans. It's w/e.
Bayonetta in the Multiverse of Madness.
Ironically, Bayonetta predates all of the multiverse projects that are currently going on. It was announced well before any of the other ones came about and, just like with No Way Home and Flashpoint, it's long delay is what's going to make it the imitation.
Ironically, Bayonetta predates all of the multiverse projects that are currently going on. It was announced well before any of the other ones came about and, just like with No Way Home and Flashpoint, it's long delay is what's going to make it the imitation.
Before all of that....Spider-Verse!

Even Sonic is getting in on the multiverse now!
Yeah, I suppose so. Bayonetta was announced right before the film released so that would mean that Spd-Vrs was in production for a few years before that.

So, people have been able to get images for the new covers and spotted a few new characters.

Feel free to guess who's who.
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