Overhaul and rewrite DmC: Definitive edition

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V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Sep 14, 2010
clermont, fl
Basically the same idea as @BlackAngel 's thread in the DMC4 section.

If you wanna rewrite DmC, pitch your own reboot or pitch a version that could exist in the main continuity, go ahead.
I would do a storyline set between two time periods of Dante's life. One where he's 17 and the other were he's 27. 1 actor should play both roles and both periods are set in Limbo City.

DMC isn't really defined by its plot or setting. It's more about hanging out with Dante who we like. So my approach is a way to explore Dante more but also address the main worry people had after TGS10 debuted.

"How does this Dante become our Dante?"

His redesign wouldn't be that far. It's more akin to Heine Rammsteiner from DOGS: Bullet and Carnage.

With the reboot, the two time periods are more akin to True Detective season 1. Half the game is when he's 17 while the other half is when he's 27. The location is the same.

The two time periods are a way to play both Dantes off each other and a way to make it more convincing for skeptical players.
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The story I had in mind had some similarities to DMC5's plot, so I'd rather just put it all in a vault or something X3333
I wish I released my story idea sooner but now people will think I'm ripping off DMC5.
I agree with Goldsickle to an extent; any changes I would've made can already be found in DMC5, which already borrows quite a few things from DmC, in my opinion.
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@Goldsickle @Demi-fiend just have fun with it. Or post in the Overhaul DMC5 thread ;).

You could always come up with a different setup/plot/ character etc.

EDIT- if I'm tapped to pitch another reboot, I'm going all the way and doing a Good Guy Vergil AU.
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If I were to rewrite it, I'd make a few changes to what was already established.

  • Dante's hair and coat turn white and red respectively whenever he was brought into Limbo. A sort of visual thing that would make old fans happy, while introducing the concept of how Limbo can effect Dante physically.
  • There'd be both Angel and Demon enemies but the Angels are captured and corrupted into being demon minions.
  • I'd bring back the mental issue stuff like those schizophrenia moments he had in the 2010 TGS trailer.
  • Definitely at least three angel and demon weapons as well as being able to choose what weapons you want equipped similar to DMC5.
  • Make Reboot!Vergil closer to classic Vergil in ruthlessness and lust for power.
  • Just a nippick but that first mission in that puppet maze would've been the perfect place to have Dante fight the puppets. Total missed opportunity.
  • So this is stuff for the final battle
  1. Dante fights human Mundus in his office.
  2. Have Mundus actually transform into a massive demon that actually looks terrifying.
  3. While Dante fights Mundus on the outside, have Vergil be playable and him fight the Mundus core on the inside.
  4. After defeating the giant of Mundus, have the final battle be in that open plot where they finish him off.
  • DT is more demonic with Angelic wings. Similar to Nero in DMC5.
  • Have Mundus' Spawn reveal to be DmC's version of Nero once he was free from Lilith and adopted by Dante.
  • Vergil's yamato actually LOOK like a katana
  • Have a part in the game where you play as Kat in a similar fashion as V in DMC5
If I were to rewrite it, I'd make a few changes to what was already established.

  • Dante's hair and coat turn white and red respectively whenever he was brought into Limbo. A sort of visual thing that would make old fans happy, while introducing the concept of how Limbo can effect Dante physically.
  • There'd be both Angel and Demon enemies but the Angels are captured and corrupted into being demon minions.
  • I'd bring back the mental issue stuff like those schizophrenia moments he had in the 2010 TGS trailer.
  • Definitely at least three angel and demon weapons as well as being able to choose what weapons you want equipped similar to DMC5.
  • Make Reboot!Vergil closer to classic Vergil in ruthlessness and lust for power.
  • Just a nippick but that first mission in that puppet maze would've been the perfect place to have Dante fight the puppets. Total missed opportunity.
  • So this is stuff for the final battle
  1. Dante fights human Mundus in his office.
  2. Have Mundus actually transform into a massive demon that actually looks terrifying.
  3. While Dante fights Mundus on the outside, have Vergil be playable and him fight the Mundus core on the inside.
  4. After defeating the giant of Mundus, have the final battle be in that open plot where they finish him off.
  • DT is more demonic with Angelic wings. Similar to Nero in DMC5.
  • Have Mundus' Spawn reveal to be DmC's version of Nero once he was free from Lilith and adopted by Dante.
  • Vergil's yamato actually LOOK like a katana
  • Have a part in the game where you play as Kat in a similar fashion as V in DMC5
Is Kat a summoner then?
Yes and no.

It would've been better for DmC if they pitched it as a canon entry than a reboot. Letting it be another sidestory/prequel etc.

Before DMC5, DMC stories was pretty disconnected from each other. There are recurring elements but the stories were self-contained.

So it could've been another case Dante took offscreen. Most of the games take place years apart so I assumed he did other cases. DMC3 is set 10 years before DMC1. So just put it there.

You might have to change a few things like Dante's half angel status and Vergil/Mundus's roles but it's not insurmountable.

If anything you could've made it a new character wholesale and do that. Just set it in the DMC version of Britain and go from there.

I loved V and I like "V is not part of Vergil" fanfiction. So giving him a spinoff before he pops up in 5 would've been cool.

I hope this answers @Thestormthatisapproaching 's question.

These are other ideas for DmC could've worked better as a DMC game.

Reboots are optional. I didn't mind DmC being a reboot, it just needed a better sell. I would've used the Tony Redgrave era of Dante's life. He was a mercenary for hire which would open up new oppurtunities.

If you wanted to incorporate mental health issues like @DragonMaster2010 suggested, i'd settle on a specific mental illness. I find Dissociative Identity Disorder fascinating so I'd start there.

Tony Redgrave would be one of Dante's 4 "alters" or alternate personalities. Some new gameplay mechanics and puzzles will focus on them. In gameplay they would take the place of the "Styles" Dante can use.
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The story I had in mind had some similarities to DMC5's plot, so I'd rather just put it all in a vault or something X3333
I wish I released my story idea sooner but now people will think I'm ripping off DMC5.
Write it anyway. If people worried about "what's been done before", DMC wouldn't even exist because the concept of a half-breed having a human mother and a supernatural father and hunting the evil supernatural beings that prey on humans would've been ripping off either Inuyasha, Blade, or some aspect of ancient mythology. I mean, "it's been done before" would invalidate comics in general and all of Disney's Princesses. So write it anyway.
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Write it anyway. If people worried about "what's been done before", DMC wouldn't even exist because the concept of a half-breed having a human mother and a supernatural father and hunting the evil supernatural beings that prey on humans would've been ripping off either Inuyasha, Blade, or some aspect of ancient mythology. I mean, "it's been done before" would invalidate comics in general and all of Disney's Princesses. So write it anyway.
I have no guarantees that I'll ever revisit it but it may need readjustments now with some things being revealed in DMC5.
I have no guarantees that I'll ever revisit it but it may need readjustments now with some things being revealed in DMC5.
Revising it to be more compliant to DMC5, or away from DMC5?

I've already covered "don't worry about if DMC5 has done this before" in case of ideas in the story that just happen to exist in the game, but if you're editing more of the thing to fit DMC5, why do that? Being canon-compliant is all well and good, but IMO leave that for better source material that actually cares about canon to make the edits worth it. "Canon" as-is in DMC is evidently malleable from one game to another depending on what the developers care about on any given day, so it's better not to compromise your idea in favor of things the developer can change at a whim in the next game. That's like having a DMC3 overhaul idea from before 5 came out, and feeling pressed to include "Yamato splits a hybrid being into two pure beings" just because 5 had it. An intentionally post-5-release fic exploring 5's mechanics in 3 would work for what'd have happened if Vergil split Dante into, uhhh, (looks up Blake's characters) "Los" and "D", or if he split Arkham and Jester into two beings, but otherwise it'd sound like a mess.

If you're readjusting some things according to the reveals in DMC5 because you like them, though, then power to you.
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If you wanna write it, then go ahead. If you don't wanna write it, it's fine. I didn't mean to be pushy in my earlier post.

Maybe TGS10 Dante could be explained away as Dante's human form? It's who he is when you strip away the charm and the muscles?

His antics hide someone really damaged from his misadventures?
Maybe TGS10 Dante could be explained away as Dante's human form? It's who he is when you strip away the charm and the muscles?

His antics hide someone really damaged from his misadventures?
Not sure what you're trying to say. Sounds a bit disjointed from anything I've said here.
Not sure what you're trying to say. Sounds a bit disjointed from anything I've said here.
Sorry I got distracted with what a potential human Dante would be like.

I reread your post. I think you could add the human/demon split into the story but it would add more problems than it solves.
I reread your post. I think you could add the human/demon split into the story but it would add more problems than it solves.
Yeah. That's why it's cumbersome to revise fanfiction ideas to adhere to New Canon that didn't exist until anywhere up to five years after the idea was first formed. I wouldn't do it for canon material that came up to debunk an idea I had two years after the idea was thought of, or even two months. It's a matter of integrity. You don't add all your salt to food after it's cooked up, you do it in prep because it integrates better, and even then you're going to season food with table salt, not the pool salt your drunk cousin showed up with on short notice when you told him you needed to restock to cook future dishes and he didn't care to read.

That being said, as long as the concept was built into the story to start with, there's an existing foundation, and the author has a conclusion in mind to reach to, they can tackle "applying 5's concepts to DMC3".

Multiple authors had speculative fics on DMC4 before it came out, to explain in their own ways why Dante was willing to shoot a human, where Nero's arm came from, Vergil's involvement, etc, and the only bad thing about those fics was their authors losing steam over the game actually coming out and "debunking" them, same with fics reliant on the 3142 timeline only for 5 to come out and suddenly it's 31245. If canon gave a damn about the timeline it shouldn't have taken them over a decade to finalize it.
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Revising it to be more compliant to DMC5, or away from DMC5?
In the idea I have in mind, Vergil is still missing and Nero still has his older Devil Bringer.
The story would take place after the events of DMC4.

The "main characters" would be black-haired Dante and a former member of the Order.
In the idea I have in mind, Vergil is still missing and Nero still has his older Devil Bringer.
The story would take place after the events of DMC4.

The "main characters" would be black-haired Dante and a former member of the Order.
Sure. A story taking place after DMC4 and not acknowledging Vergil's whereabouts isn't exactly a crime, here.
In the idea I have in mind, Vergil is still missing and Nero still has his older Devil Bringer.
The story would take place after the events of DMC4.

The "main characters" would be black-haired Dante and a former member of the Order.
Did you want Nero to find Vergil in the original draft? If he doesn't, you have little to worry about.
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Did you want Nero to find Vergil in the original draft? If he doesn't, you have little to worry about.
Now that you asked that...

I was thinking of a sub-plot about a female demon obsessed with Vergil.
They meet when Vergil decides to rescue her in the demon world on a whim and she grew obsessed with him.
After she stumbled into the human world, she tried to look for Vergil using his scent.
It led her to Nero and by the time the two meet, the female demon is already corrupted from multiple near death wounds, which made her insane.
She wound up becoming a "boss encounter" for Nero, where upon defeat a body part of her becomes absorbed into Nero's Devil Bringer.

I was under the impression that Capcom will continue keeping Nero in the dark about his parents but was surprised that DMC5 turned into a "father-son" thing.
Now that you asked that...

I was thinking of a sub-plot about a female demon obsessed with Vergil.
They meet when Vergil decides to rescue her in the demon world on a whim and she grew obsessed with him.
After she stumbled into the human world, she tried to look for Vergil using his scent.
It led her to Nero and by the time the two meet, the female demon is already corrupted from multiple near death wounds, which made her insane.
She wound up becoming a "boss encounter" for Nero, where upon defeat a body part of her becomes absorbed into Nero's Devil Bringer.

I was under the impression that Capcom will continue keeping Nero in the dark about his parents but was surprised that DMC5 turned into a "father-son" thing.
I'm curious why Dante has black hair in your story.

That subplot sounds cool. Having Nero stumble onto something/someone connected to Vergil is the next best thing.