I m training whit royal guard i want to make a video in Wich i defeat vergil whit only royal guard, but for now let's take a look at how to get fun of him in date must die
Thanks, I manage to get half of vergil life by only using royal guard but it gets complicated when he use devil trigger, i must continue to try and get to pair vergil attack better because they change there...Nice. I liked the way you used Devil Sword Dante. Keep going with RG. You'll get there.
Thanks, I manage to get half of vergil life by only using royal guard but it gets complicated when he use devil trigger, i must continue to try and get to pair vergil attack better because they change there...
Thanks for the tipsConcentrate on what you can guard consistently and don't worry about what you can't. Remember after he activates DT and returns to human form, he'll now do several judgement cuts in a row instead of just one. RG those cuts to build meter and release it whenever Vergil is going to do a helmbreaker. Remember that whenever he does judgement cut in the air, it's slower than when he does it on the ground. Also remember that in DT, Vergil's judgement cut speed is increased. If you're having trouble getting the first initial hit of the cut before you guard the others, just jump guard and it will be easier to guard the intial cut as well as the others. The 2 real tricky parts are when he summons doppelganger and when he has phantom sword surrounding him. I won't say too much more, as part of the fun is figuring it out yourself...but hopefully that helps.
Really nice, you are a master of royal guard, I just begin to learn how beautiful and rewarding is royal guard... I manage to beat vergil in son of sparda difficulty whit only royal guard and using only style whit no weapon equipped only dante so I can use the summed sword to destroy vergil sword when I am in trouble, this is the result, hope I get better...
Wow you are pretty good, I like how you use exceed and Gerbera do dodge and send the fire ball back... I use exceed rarely because I am incapable of use it properly, did you have any tips on how to use it?I'm feeling pretty good after doing this
I usually press exceed quickly after the attack connects. It's just one of those things that you have to keep doing until it starts to feel familiar.Wow you are pretty good, I like how you use exceed and Gerbera do dodge and send the fire ball back... I use exceed rarely because I am incapable of use it properly, did you have any tips on how to use it?