I hate you so much right now (you ninja'd me).Hello,
new Spoiler for Dante. An old favorite weapon returns. Look like Ceberus has two modes. Very interesting. Your thoughts?
I hate you so much right now (you ninja'd me).
Isn't that how he should be though? Since his weapon of choice is a sword shouldn't he look better at that than a nunchuck which he's as far as we know had only used twice in his life? It really plays into the dynamic between him and vergil, fear not the man who has used a thousand weapons one time but the man who has used one weapon a thousand times, he's a jack of all trades but master of none.I've been looking at the footage a few times and it's great to have an old weapon back but as an avid martial arts film lover I can't help but notice that when Dante performs those moves he's not as graceful as the source material being referenced usually is. For example, when using chain mode, that leg rice when the chain passes under him, his leg is not straight and the movement is somewhat sloppy and rigid. With the bo staff his movements are more impactful, blunt, than the moves require them to be. Chinese martial arts are about fluidity, grace and speed. He's got the speed part down but graceful and fluid he is not. He looks more rigid and forceful than anything. He looks like practitioner from a different discipline learning a new style, someone who's obviously skilled but not used to those moves.
You know, now that I think about it, that is exactly what I think is off about the capoeira. It’s just a bit off. He has the moves but the way he pulls them off is just off. Not by much but enough to be noticeable.
Funny how the series would portray Dante as a master off all his weapons though.Isn't that how he should be though? Since his weapon of choice is a sword shouldn't he look better at that than a nunchuck which he's as far as we know had only used twice in his life? It really plays into the dynamic between him and vergil, fear not the man who has used a thousand weapons one time but the man who has used one weapon a thousand times, he's a jack of all trades but master of none.
I guess he has expierence in a wide variety of disciplines but not really perfect at them.I've been looking at the footage a few times and it's great to have an old weapon back but as an avid martial arts film lover I can't help but notice that when Dante performs those moves he's not as graceful as the source material being referenced usually is. For example, when using chain mode, that leg rice when the chain passes under him, his leg is not straight and the movement is somewhat sloppy and rigid. With the bo staff his movements are more impactful, blunt, than the moves require them to be. Chinese martial arts are about fluidity, grace and speed. He's got the speed part down but graceful and fluid he is not. He looks more rigid and forceful than anything. He looks like practitioner from a different discipline learning a new style, someone who's obviously skilled but not used to those moves.
You know, now that I think about it, that is exactly what I think is off about the capoeira. It’s just a bit off. He has the moves but the way he pulls them off is just off. Not by much but enough to be noticeable.
That's just it, though, he is supposed to be. He's not bound by human limitations, he can, and has mastered multiple weapons with ease. I'm not implying that he's unable to I'm saying the animation doesn't really showcase the style of combat as elegantly as it should.Isn't that how he should be though? Since his weapon of choice is a sword shouldn't he look better at that than a nunchuck which he's as far as we know had only used twice in his life? It really plays into the dynamic between him and vergil, fear not the man who has used a thousand weapons one time but the man who has used one weapon a thousand times, he's a jack of all trades but master of none.
Maybe because the mocap artist knows only stunt-no-jutsu. Those guys are not professional martial artists with decent experience. They go to Xtreme Martial Arts schools to learn tricking and swing weapons as if they know how use them.I've been looking at the footage a few times and it's great to have an old weapon back but as an avid martial arts film lover I can't help but notice that when Dante performs those moves he's not as graceful as the source material being referenced usually is. For example, when using chain mode, that leg rice when the chain passes under him, his leg is not straight and the movement is somewhat sloppy and rigid. With the bo staff his movements are more impactful, blunt, than the moves require them to be. Chinese martial arts are about fluidity, grace and speed. He's got the speed part down but graceful and fluid he is not. He looks more rigid and forceful than anything. He looks like practitioner from a different discipline learning a new style, someone who's obviously skilled but not used to those moves.
You know, now that I think about it, that is exactly what I think is off about the capoeira. It’s just a bit off. He has the moves but the way he pulls them off is just off. Not by much but enough to be noticeable.
I don't think the character movement and animation are mocaped. I'm pretty sure they animate that themselves. Even if not they are able to fix these things, move characters around. This was intentional.Maybe because the mocap artist knows only stunt-no-jutsu.
I've been looking at the footage a few times and it's great to have an old weapon back but as an avid martial arts film lover I can't help but notice that when Dante performs those moves he's not as graceful as the source material being referenced usually is. For example, when using chain mode, that leg rice when the chain passes under him, his leg is not straight and the movement is somewhat sloppy and rigid. With the bo staff his movements are more impactful, blunt, than the moves require them to be. Chinese martial arts are about fluidity, grace and speed. He's got the speed part down but graceful and fluid he is not. He looks more rigid and forceful than anything. He looks like practitioner from a different discipline learning a new style, someone who's obviously skilled but not used to those moves.
You know, now that I think about it, that is exactly what I think is off about the capoeira. It’s just a bit off. He has the moves but the way he pulls them off is just off. Not by much but enough to be noticeable.
That's just it, though, he is supposed to be. He's not bound by human limitations, he can, and has mastered multiple weapons with ease. I'm not implying that he's unable to I'm saying the animation doesn't really showcase the style of combat as elegantly as it should.
Dante's not an elegant person though. He's always been pretty rough with a stylish charm in his abilities.That's just it, though, he is supposed to be. He's not bound by human limitations, he can, and has mastered multiple weapons with ease. I'm not implying that he's unable to I'm saying the animation doesn't really showcase the style of combat as elegantly as it should.
I'm no expert in martial arts but in an actual fight does it matter? Does the lack of fluidity and grace in his movement make his attacks any less effective in bringing harm to his opponents?
Bro... You are trying to apply real world combat principles to a game where you use a motorcycle as a chainsaw? This is no different than a movie. Literally no different. This is not an actual fight, it's a performance. Real world applications and rules are the ones that don't matter, it's the showmanship.I'm no expert in martial arts but in an actual fight does it matter? Does the lack of fluidity and grace in his movement make his attacks any less effective in bringing harm to his opponents?
I've seem regular men who can and they didn't have any of Dante's gifts, it's not even that far fetched.He is half demon which grants him enhanced healing, durability, and speed I'm not sure about the ability to master every skill possible
Knowledge, no, but intelligence, yes. According to DMC1 lore Dante, just like his father, possess superior intellect. Learning isn't hard for him.or enhanced knowledge.
"He can use weapons from any time and place" doesn't exactly sound that impressive when you add an asterisk that says "*but not that well."No where in his Bio that indicates he is a master of all forms of combat.
Doesn't have to. Aside from his inborn natural abilities and traits his father lived for 2000 years and thought his sons to fight and he is the one traveled the glove.Where is it implied that Dante Bruce Waynes it and travels the globe and stay at Monasteries practicing martial arts his entire life.
I'm pretty sure the style he uses for Ifrit is either Karate or Hapkido.Oh so a guy who is far more well versed in sword and European weaponry and western gun slinging isn't as good in Eastern martial arts and weaponry because EGAD that is his forte.
Are you-- Are you kidding me? Did you really just take the man who made the devil cry, the legendary dark knight who fearlessly traveled to the depths of the void, repeatedly, to keep the infernal hoards from rising and basically dropped him 2 degrees below Travis Touchdown? Because I don't want to play as that dude. He sounds bland as all hell. Maybe we should take Ryu Hayabusa and turn him into Beverly Hills Ninja.He probably at best watched it on TV or took a few lessons at the local dojo and got it down after a few attempts.
So you rather have thisIt is almost like Dante isn't some Mr.PerfectJesusWhoIsBestAtEverytingAndHaveNoFlaws or he isn't 100% there yet.
No, but he is supposed to be stylish and when you look like you're just plain good vs when you look like you are quite adept I'd pick the more skilled one to come off as stylish.Dante's not an elegant person though.
That's only relative to the story, not the animation.He's perfect, so why continue with him?