Hey guys, with the new DMC game coming out, I'm pretty hyped and excited to be back (last time I was active was 5 years ago!!). So i wanted to start speculating about the game and I though the new character V would be a good place to start. Just to be clear these aren't theories, just me toying with the idea of who he might be, I personally find theories quite cringey cause people ending up extrapolating stuff way to much and are so confident in their bat **** crazy theories that it's just sad when disproved. So here goes:
1. First option. He is just another random ass ordinary new character. An average citizen of the DMC world who puts on pants one leg at a time, puts cereal before milk, hates pineapple on pizza and summons demons here and there. Just some ordinary kid with tattoos.
2. Vergil's son! (other son). Up until today I wasn't aware that nero was confirmed to be vergil's son, this bit of info kinda hurts this "theory". But in any case. His name being V is the only reason that leads me to think this might be the case. It was a way for capcom to tease us that vergil is playable, by namig him V. I think they wanted us to think V is in fact vergil. I think its much more likely that he is vergil's son (second son). He could just be the offspring of vergil and some witch who can summon demons (who in turn teaches their son to summon demons). It might be interesting if vergil uses him or his mother to return from wherever he was after DMC1. We dont know how many years its been since DMC1 so it is possible that vergil met this woman after his defeat and she has been helping him get back on his feet. V does seem younger and scrawnier than nero so he just might be the younger brother!? Plus this might just switch DM from sons of sparda to sons of vergil! In the end this is quite a stretch but this is just my speculation of his character. I doubt its the real thing
3. Dante's son!. Pretty much no logical reason for him to be dante's son, but still an interesting thought. He could have named him V in memory of vergil. He may have black har cause of lady's genes. who knows? it would be weird for this to be true as there is no mention of him during DMC4. He could be some other black haired women's child that dante didn't know about.
4. Saw a theory that he is nero's clone/split personality. Not a big fan of that theory but hey anything can happen!
Really excited to know more about V, I hope he is a good character with a good back story. The leaks say that this game may conclude the sons of sparda storyline, so the next games may just be about nero and V as rivals. Lets see what happens and let me know what you guys think.
1. First option. He is just another random ass ordinary new character. An average citizen of the DMC world who puts on pants one leg at a time, puts cereal before milk, hates pineapple on pizza and summons demons here and there. Just some ordinary kid with tattoos.
2. Vergil's son! (other son). Up until today I wasn't aware that nero was confirmed to be vergil's son, this bit of info kinda hurts this "theory". But in any case. His name being V is the only reason that leads me to think this might be the case. It was a way for capcom to tease us that vergil is playable, by namig him V. I think they wanted us to think V is in fact vergil. I think its much more likely that he is vergil's son (second son). He could just be the offspring of vergil and some witch who can summon demons (who in turn teaches their son to summon demons). It might be interesting if vergil uses him or his mother to return from wherever he was after DMC1. We dont know how many years its been since DMC1 so it is possible that vergil met this woman after his defeat and she has been helping him get back on his feet. V does seem younger and scrawnier than nero so he just might be the younger brother!? Plus this might just switch DM from sons of sparda to sons of vergil! In the end this is quite a stretch but this is just my speculation of his character. I doubt its the real thing
3. Dante's son!. Pretty much no logical reason for him to be dante's son, but still an interesting thought. He could have named him V in memory of vergil. He may have black har cause of lady's genes. who knows? it would be weird for this to be true as there is no mention of him during DMC4. He could be some other black haired women's child that dante didn't know about.
4. Saw a theory that he is nero's clone/split personality. Not a big fan of that theory but hey anything can happen!
Really excited to know more about V, I hope he is a good character with a good back story. The leaks say that this game may conclude the sons of sparda storyline, so the next games may just be about nero and V as rivals. Lets see what happens and let me know what you guys think.