what is your biggest fear?

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I can't swim very well. And I don't like dark water either. The thought makes me shudder. I can't even play a game where I've got to swim underwater if I don't like the look of it.

very much it, the thought of it, my mind is being delusional about them.. and we probably shouldn't play SOMA

Heights too; anyone else have that horrible feeling when you're up high, close to an edge, like you're going to be magnetically pulled off of it? Yeah, this is why I don't go up high if I can help it. ._. Vertigo sucks.

that's it, like being pulled.. now that you've mentioned it, back when i was small, i stare down into this gutter with dirty water in it, just staring it for no good reason --didn't undertand why, and i fell down into it just like that.. feels like both my fear fused together..

btw that feeling being pulled, is it vertigo? i thought it was the accute one, giving severe headache and all..

Like...I dunno...responsibility?

yeah, even if that's a joke, responsibility can be fearsome too.. daddy crane knows it right, that fear of failing

so anyway, what triggers our fear? my fear of dark waters probably came from movies and other mediums i've seen, but not sure about height, it came just like that
I think when it comes to heights, it's a rational fear. Fall from somewhere high enough, you know it will result in pain or death. ^^; As to vertigo: it's that feeling of being off-balance. Not sure if headaches are common with it too, but for most it's just overwhelming dizziness.
yeah, even if that's a joke, responsibility can be fearsome too.. daddy crane knows it right, that fear of failing

You have a good point. I am scared of failing. I think it's one of those fears that, if I really stopped and took a close look at myself, it would be pretty high up on my list. And I know it's mainly cuz most of my family (with the exception of my mother) has conditioned me to believe that I will always fail no matter how hard I try, so...yeah.

So...for the sake of this thread I'm gonna be all mega-introspective and give this a real thought. I think my greatest fear is myself. You know how we all have that part of ourselves that's bad and wants us to do terrible things? That. Because that little voice has always been really loud for me. And the thought of one day giving into it and doing something I'll regret for the rest of my life scares me. I don't want to be a monster.

Oh. my. goggies. "Daddy Crane". I'm going to use that forever now. If I ever fall into Batman-verse and run into Scarecrow I'll be like "hey, Daddy Crane, what's up?" And then I'll be fear gassed. But it'll be so worth it. :D You're probably referring to Gotham, though, but still. Ooooooohhhhhhh, Jooooooooooon.... -begins the hunt-
I think when it comes to heights, it's a rational fear. Fall from somewhere high enough, you know it will result in pain or death. ^^; As to vertigo: it's that feeling of being off-balance. Not sure if headaches are common with it too, but for most it's just overwhelming dizziness.

ah yes, dizziness, that's a better word.. but i've heard people that are diagnosed of having vertigo that made it seem like a really accute one, like they need to spent time on bed or hospital because of it..

A prank that totally went wrong that happened to me when i was little which ended up with me getting a scare in my forehead

traumatic experience? that certainly triggers it..

And I know it's mainly cuz most of my family (with the exception of my mother) has conditioned me to believe that I will always fail no matter how hard I try, so...yeah.

i wanna ask why whould family members be like that, but that seem like too private.. i kinda get the feeling, while my parents don't go as far as that, i always feel they're not being supportive, or didn't understand me at all, hence i was always misunderstood, sometimes felt like i'm being underestimated.. as if they don't understand people have different personalities, different taste or ways of looking at things, and in my family, i'm the only one who are different, sometimes i feel i don't belong, even to thought that i'm actually one of those with special needs..

truth is, things like that should motivate us to prove ourselves --to us most importantly..

I think my greatest fear is myself. You know how we all have that part of ourselves that's bad and wants us to do terrible things? That. Because that little voice has always been really loud for me. And the thought of one day giving into it and doing something I'll regret for the rest of my life scares me. I don't want to be a monster.

i think this relates to fear of responsibility or failing.. we fear the outcome and what if it doesn't go as what we think it would.. i don't know about how bad the thoughts are, but i've thought about those kind of stuffs and i fear it may not worked, cuz everything has it's consequences.. now change all that to having good thoughts and we still fear of the outcome, that's fear of failing, in the end ourselves is the biggest obstacle, most of the times ourself is the limitation preventing us going further, we don't dare take risk.. i'm a lazy, moody, indiscipline person, i might know this..

just, @Shadow whatever those evil thoughts are, don't do it will ya? lol..

Oh. my. goggies. "Daddy Crane". I'm going to use that forever now. If I ever fall into Batman-verse and run into Scarecrow I'll be like "hey, Daddy Crane, what's up?" And then I'll be fear gassed. But it'll be so worth it. :D You're probably referring to Gotham, though, but still. Ooooooohhhhhhh, Jooooooooooon.... -begins the hunt-

mwahaha, so much for saying hi.. you're a prick scarecrow! and yeah, i was referring gotham, love the fast pacing plot
i wanna ask why whould family members be like that, but that seem like too private.. i kinda get the feeling, while my parents don't go as far as that, i always feel they're not being supportive, or didn't understand me at all, hence i was always misunderstood, sometimes felt like i'm being underestimated.. as if they don't understand people have different personalities, different taste or ways of looking at things, and in my family, i'm the only one who are different, sometimes i feel i don't belong, even to thought that i'm actually one of those with special needs..

truth is, things like that should motivate us to prove ourselves --to us most importantly..

I'd love to know the answer to that, myself. :/ -hasn't asked cuz she knows she'll never get an answer- I'm sorry to hear that your parents are like that. =( I think you're right, though. Instead of letting stuff like this hold us back, we need to push forward.

i think this relates to fear of responsibility or failing.. we fear the outcome and what if it doesn't go as what we think it would.. i don't know about how bad the thoughts are, but i've thought about those kind of stuffs and i fear it may not worked, cuz everything has it's consequences.. now change all that to having good thoughts and we still fear of the outcome, that's fear of failing, in the end ourselves is the biggest obstacle, most of the times ourself is the limitation preventing us going further, we don't dare take risk.. i'm a lazy, moody, indiscipline person, i might know this..

just, @Shadow whatever those evil thoughts are, don't do it will ya? lol..

Hmm...probably. Which makes me a little paranoid that all my fears are interconnected and are conspiring against me, but anywho. :whistle: -agrees with you entirely-
I won't. ^^

mwahaha, so much for saying hi.. you're a prick scarecrow! and yeah, i was referring gotham, love the fast pacing plot

XD He's the Master of Fear, I think it's safe to say he's missed a few lessons in common courtesy. :P I do, too! ^^ I'm really looking forward to next season.
@Shadow Fear of failure; that's a good one. Sad and horrible that you experience it--that any of us do--and as a result of unsupportive friends and family, besides. But it's certainly one of those ones that's kept me up at night. The fear that, after everything we've done, all the effort, the long hours, the frustration and self-doubt, etc...that it will never be good enough.

On one hand it sucks, and it can be incredibly debilitating and counter-productive to what we hope to achieve; but on the other hand, it can galvanize us into action. That's a positive outcome, but often times, we have to struggle and hurt before we can climb to our feet again.
My Skills, Abilities, Strength, Intellegence, being Successful and Accomplish things.

Oh yeah i am also afraid to shine.
The dark.

Not even kidding; I legitimately can't handle turning off all the lights in my room.
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